Rotary Club of Bombay


Rotary Club of Bombay / 2018 (Page 21)

Baroda, 7 June, 2018 Pres. Rtn. Ramesh Narayan RC. Bombay Dist. 3141(17-18) MUMBAI (M.S.) Dear Rtn. Rameshji, I thank you for your club bulletin “the Gateway” (No.1-45) downloaded from your club website for which I am indeed grateful to you. I found your bulletins interesting, informative and most expressive in contents with excellent design and art work with photographs of several...

Shankar Mahadevan stole the hearts of the elders and Rotarians who were assembled at the Byculla Centre of Ananda Yaan, the widely acclaimed Elder Day Care program of the Rotary Club of Bombay on June 12th. 2018. The program began with Chairman Alok Sekhsaria and Co Chair Chris Bluemel welcoming the guests. Chris enumerated the various...

Dear Ramesh, A Rotary Year par par excellence. How else could I describe a year full of scaling so many new and higher peaks and, raising the bar even higher? Our Rotary Club witnessed one of the most spectacular fund raisers (Shankar Mahadevan nite), followed by the launch of Anand Yaan, expansion of existing projects e.g. the...

Despite being the Managing Director of Bain Capital and a board member of Tata Sons Limited, Amit Chandra’s business acumen and knowledge of banking and equity is not what awed the Rotarians last Tuesday; it was Chandra’s incessant drive to give and better the world that brought the assembly to applause throughout the meeting. When asked about...

Simple heart tips: Taking care of your heart is as simple as ABCDEs. A: ACTIVITY. It’s important to be as physically active as you can throughout the day. Try and get in 10,000 steps. Simple tips: use the stairs instead of the elevator, park the car a little further away, and stand more often during your office...

Brand is NOT a product, package, offer or service, NOT a name, logo, package design, ad campaign or slogan. Brand is the sum of all associations, characterizations or perceptions in someone else’s head regarding a specific offer (product, service, organization, etc.) Brand is the promise and delivering the promise is branding Simply put it - brand...

On-going projects. Dear friends, Our Club has some distinguished on-going projects and I will first name Phiroze R Vakil Eye Centre (PRVEC) and the Ajit Deshpande Medical Centre (ADMC) becaue they have truly stood the test of time. Based out in rural Talwada, these centres are a "must-see" for any Rotarian or anyone who is interested in the...

Last Tuesday afternoon, Rotarians were privileged to witness a panel discussion between legendary stock market expert Bharat Shah and accomplished macro trends expert Manish Chokhani about the current state of the stock market and the prospect of investing in a seemingly mature bull market. Moderated by Rtn. Dipan Mehta, the discussion was an informative dialogue...