Rotary Club of Bombay

From the President’s Desk

Rotary Club of Bombay / 2018 (Page 27)

Looking back with satisfaction. Looking ahead with confidence. On the 19th of March 1929, the Rotary Club of Bombay was founded. That means we are entering our ninetieth year. And unlike in a game of cricket, this will not be the nervous nineties for us. This is a time to look back, reflect on the last eighty nine...

“Forgive, O Lord, my little jokes on Thee, and I'll forgive Thy great big joke on me,” was a line lent to us by the great American poet, Robert Frost. However, in the context of Bharat Dabholkar’s experiences in advertising, this quote makes for the perfect adman’s prayer. Not just because it is short, concise, and...

The 5th /6th/7th/8th stds of Ambedkar school went for a workshop on road safety to Mahindra towers on 10th March, 2018. The workshop was conducted by CMCA along with the Mahindra group. A wonderful morning was spent at the Mahindra's! A traffic Constable Mr. Vinod Vichare kept the audience in splits of laughter by mimicking...

Mr. Niranjan Jhunjunwala and Mrs Madhuri Sawant from Council for Fair Business Practices (CFBP) visited the NM Joshi Municipal School to interact with the Bhavishya Yaan students on 13th March, 2018. Bhavishya Yaan students had prepared a small program for them with a welcome speech, skit and street play etc. on Consumer rights and forums. Mr. Niranjan...

A Cancer Screening Camp held at Kalina - Santacruz on 24th February, 2018 - Sponsored by Rotary Club of Bombay The slums for this camp were identified by Nargis Dutt foundation and Priya Dutt personally visited the camp. She was happy to see the arrangements done by our club and sent a note to thank our...

The Ambedkar school children of Std. 8 and Std. 9 and the Colaba school children were invited to a practice session of the Symphony Orchestra of India at the Jamshed Bhabha Auditorium. The children, who had never heard an orchestra before were delighted with the music. It was a learning experience for all. Much to the...

Around 100 Bhavishya Yaan children of Ambedkar School went for an eye test to the Sah & Sanghi Medical Centre. Many children were prescribed eye drops, given spectacles and were sent for further eye checks to the Vision Centre at Babulnath. Simultaneously a meeting for all parents of Ambedkar school was held in the school hall....

by Manoj Patodia Chairman RCB Cotten Green Committee It started with an idea to set up a free clinic by the Bombay Cotton Mukadam Association Trustees, Shri Sureshbhai Kotak, Shri Purshottamdas Patodia and Shri Shyam Makharia and one meeting with Rotary Club of Bombay Past President, Dr. Mukesh Batra and current president Ramesh Narayan. IPP Mukesh...

Dear friends, Our Rotarians have discovered the joys of traveling together. And they are reveling in it. Anar Shah led a group of Rotarians to Rishikesh. And I vicariously enjoyed the trip through the lenses of our expert photographers. The next issue of the Gateway will show you how much these travelers enjoyed themselves. And from the looks of it, Anar...