Interpreting The Union Budget 2016-17

Mr. Phiroze Andhyarujina In keeping with the buzz of the Union Budget that has consumed the majority of the last week, RCB invited two relevant experts to decode the same for the Club Meeting. [...]

Rebooting India with Viral B. Shah

Viral Shah The 9th of February saw the young software prodigy Viral B. Shah address Rotarians on how we should all strive to move towards a ‘Cashless India’, which would result in [...]

Q: What’s The Good Word? A: ‘FUN’!!!

Rtn. Sabira Merchant CB never ceases to amaze its members, and those who attended the Club Meeting on the 2nd of February will be in complete agreement! Because perched atop the Taj Rooftop, at [...]

Shaheen Mistri Says Teach For India

Shaheen Mistri My life has been about trying to do whatever I can to catalyse all of us together to work for all children. I’m incredibly humbled to be amidst people who have already done [...]