Rotary Club of Bombay

Bhavishya Yaan

Rotary Club of Bombay / Bhavishya Yaan  / Bhavishya Yaan Update

Bhavishya Yaan Update

On 16th January 2018 the second Zonal event was conducted i.e. South Zone at Immamwada Municipal school wherein 13 schools were shortlisted and 130 students participated. In this event 11 dramas, 8 Songs, & 9 posters were presented in the competition. All of them highlighted the issue and message of Anti-tobacco in different ways.

The drama & songs’ scripts were written by the students themselves.

Bhavishya yaan students from Byculla East Municipal School’s students’ performances in drama & song were remarkable and they performed fearlessly in front of the entire audience, they showed immense confidence and impressed all the judges.

The students also presented the Poster in front of everyone and explained the harmful effects of smoking. This confidence which has been imbibed through this programme will go a long way in keeping them away from tobacco use.

The event was judged by Mr. H.R. Yadav, Principal of Jayantilal Hindi Muncipal School & Mr. Pramod Ratnaparakhe, Salaam Bombay’s Theatre Academy’s Coach. Mr. Dr. Vilas Mohokar – B Ward Medical officer, Mr. Gadve – Inspector Of J.J. Police station, Mr. Iliyaz – Principal of J.R. Road Municipal School, Mrs. Sahera Khan – Building incharge Immamwada B.ed college attended the program as guests.

The student winner of all three categories were awarded with certificates and a trophy. The Bhavishya Yaan students of Byculla East. Municipal School were awarded the third prize in the Song category for their song which disseminated the information about tobacco with innovative lyrics, these lyrics were written by Najmul Sheikh a class 8th STD. student from Urdu medium.

Students who presented the song (Urdu Medium)
1) Najmul Shaikh
2) Nahida Shaiddiqi
3) Anjum Shaikh
4) Zaiba Nadal
5) Iqra Shaikh
6) Zahira Shaikh