Rotary Club of Bombay

From the President’s Desk

Rotary Club of Bombay / From the President’s Desk

“Leadership is service and there is power in that giving: to help people, to inspire and motivate them to reach their fullest potential…” – Denise Morrison. As the present competitive world brings a multitude of challenges to life and living, thought leadership has gained acceptance as a key enabler in making a difference. Thought leaders can...

When Two Plus Two Equals Ten Groups, companies, and communities that work in unison, bonded by shared beliefs and trust, are always certain of amplified outcomes. In the last 70-80 years, post-World War II, we have witnessed stellar examples of what great teams can accomplish. Highly successful corporations, thriving families, and the best military units...

Life is beautiful because of the people we meet, and not because of the things we own, see or do. Human beings are at their finest when they help each other. It’s the way to build trust and with that trust you can create communities and businesses and help the human race progress. Trust is a...

Earlier this week, I was acquainted with the theme of Rotary International for the next year – Create Hope in the World. Upon reflection, I realised how powerful these words are. “Hope” is an abstract noun but “Create Hope” makes it an action verb. A deliberate attempt to capture the essence of what is created...

Have you heard of normal people like you and me walking on hot coals? Not as a parlour trick but as part of a deliberate inclusion in corporate offsite sessions. Why would someone include a trick such as walking on hot coals as a part of, say, a leadership programme? It is to simply break...

Vision, Mission and Values are terms we often see in the corporate world and many of us struggle to find corresponding ones as individuals. There is also an added pressure that we take upon ourselves to identify and pursue some unique vision of our own. We have come to believe that a vision that is...

In my previous article, I pondered that cultivating authenticity and letting go of what people think is critical to finding who you are and what is your original self so that you can lead a truer life. The more we are stuck in giving attention to what people think about us the less likely we are...

I am taking forward my reflections on love and belonging from my last two articles. One of the members in the audience asked a very puzzling question to Neema Majmudar when she addressed our Club – how does a family with a differently abled child still come to live with the faith that they have been fairly...

“A PERSON OR A SMALL TEAM, COMMITTED TO A CAUSE BIGGER THAN THEMSELVES, CAN ACHIEVE ABSOLUTELY ANYTHING.” The word commitment kept coming up in my mind as I listened to Santosh Pise, founder of IndoScience Trust, and N Sudheer Kumar, Director of Capacity Building Public Outreach of ISRO, our speakers last Tuesday. Both use their love of...

I was both surprised and thrilled to see a full room of our members to listen to our guest speaker this week. The founder of ArtDecoMumbai, Atul Kumar, was sharing with us the efforts of his not-for-profit organisation in working tirelessly to restore the stunning Art Deco structures that were constructed in 1930s in the...

New Year Greetings. It is my sincere hope that 2023 brings our members and their loved ones, new joys, good health and long term success. Every New Year, most of us jot down new wish lists and bigger goals. Whilst this works as a reasonable approach that provides motivation and clarity, I am wishing that this...