Rotary Club of Bombay


Rotary Club of Bombay / Education  / Rotaract Club’s 2nd Year at ISME

Rotaract Club’s 2nd Year at ISME

Walking into the 2nd year of the Rotaract Club at ISME, we welcome Rtr. Utkarsh Kejriwal with his team this year.

The Rotaract Club has been very active and supports the Rotary Club of Bombay in its various projects such as the Bhavishya Yaan Talent Hunt that was conducted recently with much excitement.

They also had the opportunity to participate in Project Green Hands where they planted and nurtured around 30 trees.

Besides these they have been involved in the Echo Programme, Marathons, Community activities and Football Premier League where they put together 10 teams with a total of 100 players.