It’s IIT Powai for Students of BY!

The 13th of February, 2016 saw a hundred and ninety-five students of Bhavishya Yaan, from all five schools belonging to grades VIII and IX, attending IIT Powai’s Technology Fair. The Fair [...]

RCHR Report: Cultivating a Good Habit

On the 22nd of January, 2016 the RCHR team woke up to an early morning which led them to the farms near Badlapur via a two-hour train journey. The agenda was to plant as many trees as possible, [...]

Fund Raiser with Javed Ali at NCPA

RCB is organising a Fund Raiser with a performance by acclaimed Indian playback singer, Javed Ali, on the 29th of March, at the Jamshed Bhabha Theater, NCPA, Nariman Point. Javed Ali is known to [...]

In Camera Committee Holds Epic Event!

The Ramayana is India’s most celebrated and timeless epic, recounting the story of Lord Rama, originally penned by Valmiki. Over hundreds of years, its popularity has risen further with [...]

Rebooting India with Viral B. Shah

Viral Shah The 9th of February saw the young software prodigy Viral B. Shah address Rotarians on how we should all strive to move towards a ‘Cashless India’, which would result in [...]

Celebrating NSC’s 2016 Meet

The Night Study Centres’ annual meeting took place on 23rd January, 2016. President Dr. Sonya Mehta was the Chief Guest for the program and was accompanied by a host of Rotarians including [...]

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