Bhavishya Yaan NMJ bids goodbye to 10th standard kids

 In Bhavishya Yaan

Bhavishya Yaan NMJ bids goodbye to 10th standard kids

Last week, students of the 10th standard at Bhavishya Yaan, located on N.M.J. Marg, bid farewell to their school days. They reminisced about their experiences, sharing anecdotes and expressing gratitude to their teachers and the school for their guidance and support throughout the years.

Each teacher extended their best wishes to the students for their upcoming exams starting on March 1st, offering valuable advice on exam preparation. As a tradition, exam kits containing a large transparent envelope for exam materials, a pouch, pencils, pens, and erasers were distributed to each student.
The event concluded with a communal lunch served for all attendees.

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