Rotary Club of Bombay

Ananda Yaan

Rotary Club of Bombay / Ananda Yaan (Page 14)

Gudi Padwa was celebrated this year at the two Ananda Yaan Centers with a big bang. The New Year festivities included a trained group of AY ladies singing and dancing and a generous donor Mrs. Charu Aggarwal distributing new saris to ladies at both centers. A total of 85 saris were given on the occasion to...

Holi came early to our Ananda Yaan Centres as Ekta Shah arranged for colours and a flautist to engage our elders in some good old fashioned fun....

Eye and Dental Camp Report with Ananda Yaan Senior Citizen of Worli Dated: February 6, 2018 Venue: Rotary Club Of Bombay Cotton Green Clinic No. of Benificiaries: 22 Senior Citizen No. of Female: 21 No. of Male: 1 No. of Follow up: 18 The Ananda Yaan of Worli, has taken the initiative of conducting Dental camps, on 6th February, at Rotary Club of...

Dadar Sea Link and Byculla Ananda Yaan centers had a very interesting program in which they participated in a guided meditation using tones and music. This program was sponsored by Ananda Yaan Co- Chair Christopher Blumel. The idea is that music and certain sound tones can act powerfully to calm the mind and put you into...

Some of the Ananda Yaan elders expressed a desire to see some temples. So an anonymous donor decided to fulfill this desire. Almost 90 elders from both centres of Ananda Yaan piled into two buses and drove off for a day trip to Nerul to visit four temples and have a relaxed lunch at a garden...

In many western countries, it is a tradition to decorate a Christmas tree. The true story is actually a little different: Long before the commencement of Christianity, plants and trees that remained green all year had a special meaning for people in the winter. Just as people today decorate their homes during the festive season...

15 Rotaractors from HInduja College and more than 50 elders from the Byculla Centre of Ananda Yaan guided by Krupa, a well meaning friend of RCB worked like Santa’s elves to put up a real humdinger of a Christmas tree. The tree was the first step towards getting ready for a proper Christmas party with carols...

Shiamak Davar Dancers from his Dance For Good Victory Arts Foundation came to Byculla Ananda Yaan Center on 11th December and performed and interacted with the Elders for an hour of happy dancing and activity. The Elders enjoyed it immensely and many even participated great joie de vivre. At the end, elders reluctantly waved goodbye...

Bombay Durga Bari Samiti (BDBS) is a well-recognized and reputed organization of Mumbai which carries out philanthropic and charitable objectives. Under its auspices BDBS organizes the oldest Durga Puja in Mumbai (since 1930) as well as various other cultural and social festivals. BDBS has also been supporting other organizations involved in the education of the...

Our 90 Ananda Yaan members from both the centres celebrated an evening on 29th November at Nehru Centre, Worli. A night when the fusion of traditional Indian music and European music took centre stage with The Magic of Dinesh Mishra. Sri Dinesh Mishra is a well known Bansuri player and composer. He is a student of...

The underprivileged elders who visit the RCB Ananda Yaan Centre at Byculla were in for a surprise when they all got cup cakes as a little gift from the large-hearted Rtn. Vrinda Rajgarhiya. The elders enjoyed the midday snack. Thank you Vrinda....

Members of Ananda Yaan at Byculla received for the first time today, free medical checkups at the Rotary Cotton Green Clinic (RCGC). The RCGC - a Rotary funded clinic, offers a variety of free medical treatments such as: Homeopathy, Dentistry and Optometry. Under-previledged people who cannot afford proper treatment are encouraged to come the clinic. It...