Rotary Club of Bombay

Bhavishya Yaan

Rotary Club of Bombay / Bhavishya Yaan (Page 15)

Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar school celebrated Childrens' Day with zeal. Over 150 children from std 1 to std 10 celebrated together. There was excitement all around. The party started with the "Dance for Good" program. The Dance for Good is Victory Foundations' innovative, volunteering program which spreads joy to those in need through the power of...

Ambedkar School goes to see Shiamak Davar Show! 58 students of the Dr Babasaheb Ambedkar school were invited by Victory Arts to a Shiamak Davar production at the St Andrews auditorium last Wednesday. The show was spectacular considering that the performers were mostly mentally and physically challenged children from various NGOs. The Shiamak Davar troupe itself...

ART COMPETITION ORGANIZED BY THE CRICKET CLUB OF INDIA The Cricket Club of India (CCI) organized a drawing competition for the underprivileged children on 14th October, 2017, where our BY children were invited. 10 BY children from our Colaba Centre and 15 from the GK Marg Centre participated in the competition. The topic of the competition...

During the Diwali Holidays year after year at Bhavishyan Yaan schools the students have their Week long Diwali Camp. The Camp is held each day for 3hours for students from 5th to the 9th standard. This year’s Camp is on Literature. It is being held from 23rd till the 31st of October. And to synergise with...

An Open Day was held at GK Marg school where parents came and met the teachers and discussed their child’s academic performance and all the queries they had. We had also kept a Gas Safety workshop for the parents where a person from Bharat Petroleum had come. Lot of useful tips were imparted and the...

Five Bhavishya Yaan students from GK Marg Municipal School, Parel attended a one day art workshop at Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj Vastu Sanghralay’s (CSMVS) auditorium and visitor’s centre. The workshop was organized by CSMVS as part of our Art 360° series - a series of specialized workshops with renowned artists. These workshops are held on one...

Rotaract District believes that its time for a change, its time to for a revolution, its time to spread education and see a literate India by 2020. The initiative started by PDRR Harikrishnan Pillai in 2009 -10 with an aim of bridging the gaps between municipal schools and have a literate youth so that the...

Akshara Foundation of Arts and Learning launched their programme “Arts for All - At the Theatre”. A year long programme, Arts for All - At the Theatre focuses on providing children from NGO supported schools' engagement in theatre with workshops and age-appropriate performances. Our educational partner VIDYA has tied up with them for having their...

The 9th std Bhavishya Yaan children of Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar school, GK school and NM Joshi school were invited by Rtn Dr. Indu Shahani to the ISDI WPP centre at One Indiabulls on the 14th September. The program was conducted in memory of two students of ISDI-Kevin and Panki, who tragically died in a car...

Our Bhavishya Yaan Alumni, Pranit Dattaram Kijbile of GK Marg Municipal School completed his SSC in 2016- 2017. He is a proud son of an electrician and a house maid and he dreams big. He is 17 years old and wants to become a sport teacher. He has received 37 certificates and awards for himself in...

Bhavishya Yaan students of the Byculla East Municipal School celebrated Ganpati festival with a message for society reaching 100 people through a performance and around 2000 through leaflet distribution, posters and banners. Ganpati Festival is among the most auspicious festivals celebrated in Maharashtra during the month of September. For Mumbai, this ten day festival is an...

Privilege. Opportunity. Equality. These are the aspects that the Bhavishya Yaan highlights. From first standard to tenth standard, it provides underprivileged students with the chance to advance their skills while building upon their education. We were fortunate enough to be invited by the GK Marg center’s mentor, Bhavika Parekh, for the volunteer share program which...