Rotary Club of Bombay

Bhavishya Yaan

Rotary Club of Bombay / Bhavishya Yaan (Page 18)

Over the last ten days, 500 Bhavishya Yaan students from across the five Municipal Schools, were taught to ‘Say No to Firecrackers’ and were encouraged to celebrate Diwali in their own creative way without causing any harm to the environment. Children were informed about the elements used in making firecrackers and their harmful effects, i.e., rise...

An interactive session on waste management was recently conducted by Sanskar India Foundation (SIF) for the Bhavishya Yaan students. In this, children were explained the concept of waste management from rag pickers to compositing problems related to waste disposal in Mumbai city, as well as segregation of waste in an efficient and effective manner at household level. The SIF teacher emphasized that if every person becomes actively...

On the 8th and 9th of October, three teams of Bhavishya Yaan students from the G. K. Marg Municipal Schhol participated in a Football match at the Western Railways Sports Ground, Mahalaxmi. Initiated by Milind Deora and organized by Saran Sports, the South Mumbai Junior Soccer Challenger was launched in 2009 with a view to tap the vast potential of football among South Mumbai school children, and...

A fun-filled afternoon was organized by the Victory Arts Foundation, a Shiamak Davar Enterprise, for the Bhavishya Yaan students of Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar School (Worli) at St. Andrew’s auditorium. Children from various NGOs, including physically handicapped, mentally challenged, street children and children from various orphanages participated in the show and danced  to wonderfully choreographed Bollywood numbers. Trapeze artists fascinated the children with their breath-taking performances. The audience was so thrilled...

A combined, early detection camp for oral, uterine, cervical, breast and prostate cancers was organized on 13 October, at the G.K. Marg Municipal school by the Cancer Aid Committee and Bhavishya Yaan, in association with Cancer Patients Aid Association (CPAA). Committee Chairman Madhusudhan Daga was present throughout the camp with his wife Rotaryanne Vandana Daga, who assisted the people and doctors right till the end. In addition, Rtn...

On 23rd September, a day after the International Peace Day, 55 Bhavishya Yaan students of the GK Marg Municipal School were taken through a screening of ‘Daughters of Mother India’, which won the National Film Award for best film by the President of India. In this documentary, Indian journalist and filmmaker Vibha Bakshi questions how Indian society is changing after the horrific rape and murder of...

With a view to helping children see better, an eye examination camp was conducted at the Ganpatrao Kadam Municipal School, where children from 5th to 10th standard were checked. This camp was organized through the Aditya Jyot Foundation. Under the leadership of Dr. S Natarajan, Aditya Jyot which is a non-profit organization, work towards providing quality eye care services to the lower socio- economic sections of the...

In an effort to recognize the hard work and dedication of our exceptional Bhavishya Yaan School teachers and to set a benchmark, two teachers, Ms. Tasneem Khokkar (Colaba Municipal School) and Ms. Mariyam Y Soni (Byculla School) were presented with the Nation Builder Award last Tuesday....

E-Learning at Bhavishya Yaan began as a pilot project under the Chairmanship of Rtn. Shivkumar Israni and the then President Rtn. Shailesh Haribhakti. It was run for a year at Dr. Ambedkar School at Worli and the NMJ School at NM Joshi Marg. After evaluating the successful performance of the students with the benefit of the E-learning facility, the Bhavishya Yaan Committee decided to extend it...

An ex-BY 11th grade student from Elphinstone College, Abhishekh Gupta, delighted the audience at the Pomegranate Foundation’s Youth Impact screening with his short movie. Titled ‘Virus Boys’, the movie revolved around a group of friends who find each other through their passion for cricket. Once the dedicated teachers from VIDYA connected Abhishekh to Pomegranate’sYouth Impact program, he participated in their eight-week summer workshop to learn how to...

India celebrated its 70th Independence Day this year. And like in the rest of the country, our Bhavishya Yaan students too expressed their patriotism and nationality by celebrating this day with great pomp and grandeur. About 350 students from the various centers came dressed in their traditional attire. In fact, one of them even chose to...

In an effort to reduce the carbon footprint, 80 children of Ganpatrao Kadam Marg School, on 6th August, made beautiful rakhis from waste material. At first, the children were given a brief introduction to the festival, and were made to realize its importance through exemplary stories of Rani Karnawati and King Himayun, Alexander the great and...