Rotary Club of Bombay

From the President’s Desk

Rotary Club of Bombay / From the President’s Desk (Page 14)

Dear Friends, Our Prime Minister, Mr. Narendra Modi, said, “A clean India would be the best tribute India could pay to Mahatma Gandhi on his 150th birth anniversary in 2019,” as he launched the Swachh Bharat Abhiyan / Mission at Rajpath in New Delhi. The Swachh Bharat Abhiyan is the most significant cleanliness campaign with various...

Dear Friends, Very warm greetings to each of you. Over two months have passed since I took over as President of our wonderful Club, and how time flies! I am delighted to see the great vigour and commitment with which many of our Committees are functioning. Ananda Yaan Committee, Bhavishya Yaan Committee, Child Welfare and the Water...

Dear Friends, The 10-day festival of the elephantheaded god Lord Ganesha, also known as Ganapati, began with the installation of idols in private homes, public places, with Ganesh Chaturthi on September 2nd amidst chants of ‘Ganapati Bappa Morya’, with ‘Gauri Visarjan’ on September 7th. The festival ended with Anant Charturdashi on September 12th amidst chants of...

Dear Friends, IndIAA Awards were presented on August 26th, with glitz and glamour. IAA Rotary Campaign for Good for Elders Award, presented by District Governor Harjit Talwar and yours truly, is relevant to us Rotarians. This campaign is a testimony that when ‘Good meets Good’, it creates the best of the best. An issue which we...

Dear Friends, Very warm greetings. “13 Steps to Bloody Good Health” co-authored by our PP Rtn. (Dr.) Mukesh Batra (a man of many talents) along with Ashwin Sanghi is a must read for all age groups. We were fortunate to get a first-hand account of these two celebrities’ experiences in authoring this book. As the authors stated,...

Dear Friends, Very warm greetings. Tuesday, August 13th, 2019, will always stay deeply etched in my memory. A symbolic gesture of tying rakhi to our young friends from our ‘Salaam Balak’ facility was an experience to remind us that we have to look after our more needy brethren in the true spirit of “Vasudaiv Kutumbakam”. Also, what a...

Dear Friends, Very warm greetings. The Monsoon Session of our 17th Lok Sabha began on June 17th, 2019. Scheduled to end on July 26th, 2019, it was extended until August 7th, 2019 (and is probably the longest session in the past 14 years) in order to complete legislative business. During this session, Lok Sabha had sittings for...

Dear Friends, Very ‘warm’ greetings from Mamallapuram. The last few days have been hectic and still very enjoyable. Having a pleasant walk on Puducherry’s seafront promenade full of historical sights, visit to the famous Auroville and Aurobindo Ashram, evenings filled with lots of fun, music and dance, we now are in Mamallapuram. Most visited the famous sites...

Dear Friends, My very warm greetings to each of you. A few days ago, India launched Chandrayaan-2, its second lunar exploration mission after Chandrayaan-1 a decade ago. The launch of Chandrayaan-2 brings back fond memories. First, of our very own Mission to Future, for our Municipal school children, Bhavishya Yaan project, which also was launched a decade...

Dear Friends, My very warm greetings to each of you. THERE ARE some distinctive and wonderful activities that our Rotary Club of Bombay has to its credit. In the very recent past, we have witnessed one such event – thanks to our very own Rtn. Ptn. Devi Narayan, our elders from the Ananda Yaan centres had the...

Dear Friends, As I look back on the week gone by, I can only say that I am overwhelmed, seeing the commitment of my fellow Rotarians and Rotarian Partners and to see what we, as a force, can achieve. The speed at which each Committee is working on their projects is amazing. On July 6th, Rtn. Vineet...

Dear Friends, With the New Rotary Year beginning, it is heartwarming to receive so many good wishes from our members, my family and friends. I thank each one of you for your wishes and support extended. We all are indeed looking forward to a great year ahead and I, in particular, am reaching out to each one...