Rotary Club of Bombay

From the President’s Desk

Rotary Club of Bombay / From the President’s Desk (Page 15)

Dear Friends, It is with great pride that I congratulate you all for a job well done! You have seen my vision for our 90th year and through many long hours of meetings and discussions, you have showed your support and confidence in my leadership to carry out my role as your President. I thank all Past...

Dear Friends, Reminiscing my installation night, I ended my speech with the words: ‘Let the miracle happen!’ And what a miraculous year we’ve had, I must say. I have been very fortunate to have a great team behind me. I would like to thank all my Committee Directors and Chairmen for the way they have supported me....

Dear Friends, Today, we confer the Anita Parikh Empowerment of Women Award for the current Rotary year upon Ms. Swati Paradkar, President of Mahila Griha Udyog Lijjat Papad. We will also induct Uday Kotak, our speaker for the day, as an Honorary Rotarian. Uday, the Rotary Club of Bombay extends a warm welcome to you. Please note our...

Dear Friends, Swati Paradkar, President of Mahila Griha Udyog Lijjat Papad, will be conferred the Anita Parikh Empowerment of Women Award on June 18th next week. Uday Kotak will also be inducted as an Honorary Rotarian next week. He will address the Club. I am pleased to share that in this year alone, our social media followers...

Dear Friends, As we are nearing the end of the Rotary year, several projects will be completed in the upcoming days. We have many activities lined up this week, starting with the inauguration of the renovated gymnasium at YMCA, Ghatkopar at 6 pm today. On June 17th, we will inaugurate the pre-primary school at BY. This month, we...

Dear Friends, Next Tuesday, we will present the Shyam Munshi Lifetime Achievement in Arts Award to artist Laxman Shrestha. We will also honour former Mumbai Police Commissioner Julio Ribeiro with the Citizen of Mumbai Award. We are a month away from the final meeting of the year. Our journey for 2018-19 will be celebrated on June 25th...

Dear Friends, We have a couple of events lined up this week. The Maneckji and Shirinbai Neterwala Foundation has generously donated 20 new computers to our Vocational Training Centre at YMCA, Mumbai Central. I invite everyone to participate in unveiling the same on May 21st at 5.30 pm. We will also inaugurate various departments at Masina...

Dear Friends, We will inaugurate various departments at Masina Hospital as part of our new initiative. I invite you all to attend the opening of the departments on May 24th at 10.30 am at Byculla. As the year draws to a close, I am happy to report that most of the projects we had planned have come...

Dear Friends, Last week, we presented the Somchand Parikh Best Teacher Award to Kavita Anand. In the words of Brad Henry: “A good teacher can inspire hope, ignite the imagination, and instill a love of learning.” Congratulations, Kavita, on your achievement. On Sunday, we kicked off our Club’s Annual Table Tennis tournament at YMCA. A detailed report...

Dear Friends, Last week, we successfully inaugurated our Façade and Landscape Lighting project at the CSMVS Museum. I sincerely thank Dr. Sabyasachi Mukherjee, Director General of CSMVS Museum for initiating this project, Rtn. Priyasri Patodia, Chairman, Environment Committee for all the planning and Rtn. Manoj Israni for his generous donation. The event kicked off successfully thanks...

Dear Friends, Last week, we spent time with DG Rtn. Shashi Sharma. I would like to thank him on behalf of all our members for his inspiring words and taking out the time to be with our Club. We will follow his valuable advice and work towards our Rotary goal together. With elections coming up soon, I...

Dear Friends, We warmly welcome our District Governor, Rtn. Shashi Sharma, to spend this afternoon with us today. May we all be reminded of our sole purpose for being part of this prestigious Club. Let us work in tandem to fulfill the vision and goals laid down by Rotary International. As a new initiative supported by...