Rotary Club of Bombay

From the President’s Desk

Rotary Club of Bombay / From the President’s Desk (Page 20)

Looking back with satisfaction. Looking ahead with confidence. On the 19th of March 1929, the Rotary Club of Bombay was founded. That means we are entering our ninetieth year. And unlike in a game of cricket, this will not be the nervous nineties for us. This is a time to look back, reflect on the last eighty nine...

Dear friends, Our Rotarians have discovered the joys of traveling together. And they are reveling in it. Anar Shah led a group of Rotarians to Rishikesh. And I vicariously enjoyed the trip through the lenses of our expert photographers. The next issue of the Gateway will show you how much these travelers enjoyed themselves. And from the looks of it, Anar...

Dear friends, The person who will head the Rotaract movement in the coming Rotary Year is our own Rotaractor Hansika Shahani. Youth has a large role to play in the Rotary movement and some of these young Rotaractors grow to become fine Rotarians. Our IPP Mukesh Batra is one of them. We have been encouraging Rotaractors to spread...

Dear friends, There was a time when we looked out for material to fill up the Gateway in a meaningful manner, week after week. Yes, bringing out a weekly bulletin can be very challenging. I am very pleased to report we now have a problem of plenty. We are routinely holding over matter because of lack of space, and...

Dear friends, Seven months have passed by in a blur. New projects, consolidating existing projects and laying the foundation of a strong financial base that will let future Presidents concentrate on doing good has been the focus. I am glad to report that your Club has been successful in all these efforts. Somehow we’ve managed to have a really...

The Cancer Aid Committee has been working hard. And the results are showing. One part is the great help they provide to needy cancer patients at Tata Memorial Hospital. The other and newer part of their activities include preventive care. And this letter received by Rotary Anne Ekta Shah who plays a sterling role in...

So what makes for a good outstation fellowship? What makes a Rotary trip memorable? Is it the choice of the destination? Is it the hotels and logistics and food? Or is it even the quality of guides and the busses? I guess it’s a little of all this. And if it is, the RCB trip to Burma scores high all all...

Dear Friends, The Official Club Visit of the DG went off very well. It was nice interacting with the District Team headed by District Governor Prafull Sharma and nicer hearing him say kind things about our Club. Yes the Rotary Club of Bombay is an institution built on the untiring efforts of its Past presidents and members over...

Dear Friends, The reason for giving. Happy New Year to each of you’ll. I wish you all have a healthy and happy year ahead. The festive season is drawing to a close. But giving doesn’t need a season. Giving only needs a good reason. And I will give you some very good reasons to give. Your Club is managing some wonderful ongoing projects...

Dear friends, There are nine Australian students interning at our Bhavishya Yaan program in five Municipal Schools. It speaks volumes for the commitment of these foreigners and for the value this program affords. Along with 8 Western Sydney University students I am working at Bhavishya- Yaan Student Enrichment Project as an education intern for one month. This partnership...

Dear friends, The President of Rotary International is on a whistle-stop tour of India and he is in Mumbai for just one day, 12th December. Your Club is the Lead Host for a dinner at the Taj President Hotel where he will be attending the only official engagement of his brief stop-over. It would be nice to see...