Rotary Club of Bombay

From the President’s Desk

Rotary Club of Bombay / From the President’s Desk (Page 22)

Dear friends, We are a little over a month into the Rotary Year. And what a month it has been. Ananda Yaan our new Elder Day Care Centre has been launched. The media embraced it warmly. The kind of mainstream media attention it has garnered has seldom been seen in Rotary circles. This in itself goes to...

Dear friends, There are some unique activities that the Rotary Club of Bombay has to its credit. One of them is the In Camera Committee. This is really an informative meeting with a speaker, combined with a dinner hosted at the residence of one of our generous Rotarians. So this could very aptly be described as...

The Rotary Year begins. I wish to thank you all for the good wishes you have conveyed to me over the last few days and I commit myself to furthering the cause of Rotary and strengthening our Club. We need to concentrate on a few things. Our on-going projects are all well-conceived and properly planned. Let's...

"We are the warriors we were waiting for"!! So what is Rotary to me? A global family committed to alleviate misery and make a positive change to the lives of the billions of less fortunate people around the world. Closer home, the Rotary Club of Bombay has been a very rare experience for me. At a time when I...

I have had an opportunity to work with a lot of young people. Young minds are full of ideas. When they come together, they bring strong opinions to the table and are ready to face even the most difficult of all challenges. With the massive reach of social media, our youth have the power to...

Celebrities enjoy a larger than life status in India. People follow their every move closely. Their recognition can therefore become a powerful force in raising awareness for crucial domestic as well as international social issues. In today’s times of digitalisation, there are many ways through which celebs can reach out to people with a social message....

We all know how nice it feels to receive gifts. Most of us have eventually reached an age when giving becomes just as thrilling as is receiving. I realize that the most beautiful thing in the world is to make someone happy. The joy of giving is more powerful than we could have possibly ever...

The word ‘nuclear’ brings to our mind fear and destruction. The memories of Hiroshima & Nagasaki still haunt us. The thought of nuclear war brings to our mind the picture of total annihilation. However, nuclear science has a constructive and positive side as well. Its use in medicine is legendary. Did you know that MRI’s used...

A recent tweet by a socialite who fat-shamed a cop is testimony to the fact that body shaming is common in India. There are many people who have been victims of body shaming because they are underweight or overweight, the latter being more common. Obese people are most often at the receiving end of unpleasant...

Vegans are taking all over! It’s becoming trendy and fashionable to be vegan nowadays and many celebrities globally are supporting this trend. However, there is much more to a vegan diet than celebrity endorsements. There is abundance of scientific research available that demonstrates the health benefits of a natural plant-based diet. Such a diet is rich...

I am writing this editorial sitting amidst the mystic music coming from the sound of wind blowing leaves from trees planted all over the place in this beautiful country - Bhutan. It's been decades since Bhutan came up with the concept of gross national happiness (GNH). Coined by the former king of Bhutan, the term GNH...

Mumbai, the city that was once known for its disciplined driving, has today become a driver’s nightmare. Being stuck in traffic for hours has become a part of our life. Interestingly, Mumbai is the only city in the world where distance is measured in minutes and not in kilometers, because it’s the traffic here that...