Rotary Club of Bombay

From the President’s Desk

Rotary Club of Bombay / From the President’s Desk (Page 23)

What is happiness? Each one of us would have a different answer to this simple question. Many believe that happiness is as simple as having fun with our family or friends, the excitement of new experiences, or the thrill and passion of experiencing love. These are all wonderful experiences no doubt, which we need to...

It is almost impossible to find someone who doesn't feel a strong connect to music. Not everyone can sing or play an instrument, but most of us can probably reel off a list of songs that often make us feel happy even after a bad day. No wonder a Greek philosopher once said, “Music gives a...

Does this four letter word ‘LOVE’ really exist? Movies say it does, but life often proves that wrong for many people who after some unsuccessful attempts to make their relationships work; come to a conclusion that there is nothing called love and life can go on without it. Agreed, romantic love is not the end-all and...

Few years ago, a renowned cartoonist, Jules Feiffer penned a strip in which he showed an old man talking to his TV. "No one loves me," the man says, and the TV responds, "I love you." This is the story of millions of elderly people across the nation. Trapped by loneliness, they sit staring at...

Air and water are two essentials of life. However, with the pollution of these natural resources on the rise, it has become imperative to find ways of reducing man-made pollutants in the environment. With winters getting colder day-by-day many people burn fire wood to get some warmth. This too is an example of man-made pollution. Some...

The nuclearisation of families is a trend that has been in vogue not just in the West but also in India of over the past few years. Apart from higher education levels, increased mobility of the workforce, rural to urban migration and brain drain to developed countries are all factors that are leading to nuclear...

Most RCB members are distinguished in their own fields of activity whether it's business or professionals such as doctors, lawyers, industrialists. As the leaders in their field they are a leading light and an example for other fellow citizens to emulate. As members of RCB they also share a passion of giving back to society...

My hearty thanks to the sports committee for helping to organise a successful fund raising housie competition at the start of the new year for the aid of the Senior citizen committee's planned day care centres for the elderly at Alibaug and Lonavala in Maharashtra. The spirit of camaraderie and fellowship was in full play...

As we think about our resolutions for 2017, people usually focus on unfinished agendas and new milestones to accomplish. Sadly many resolutions tend to be truisms which get repeated from one new year to another but are forgotten just as soon. However, there are some resolutions that Rotarians should consider for implementation in 2017. 1. Time:...

Today, ready-to-eat meals & junk food have replaced homemade food; Television has replaced outdoor sports; frequency of eating out has increased and old grandmother-tales and bed time stories have been replaced by iPads. No wonder that despite health implications of obesity being well-known, it continues unabated in adults and children as well. million in 2014 from...

Education maketh a man. As the world's largest democracy this is an area that is of great importance to us. However statistics show that a quarter of the country can't even read and write their own names. A 2015 UNESCO report said that in terms of absolute numbers, India - with 28.7 crore illiterates -...

RCB is probably the Rotary Club that all Rotarians in India's business capital aspire to join. It's not only one of the oldest clubs in Mumbai city but with 313 members as of the start of Rotary year 2016-2017 is also one of the most diverse. 258 classifications have been loaned to members and women...