Rotary Club of Bombay

From the President’s Desk

Rotary Club of Bombay / From the President’s Desk (Page 24)

One of the India’s biggest challenges today is literacy. It’s an irony that in a country which has made a place for itself as one of the world’s fastest growing economies, only one state - Kerala boasts of 100% literacy. Attendance in municipal schools is poor and teachers are often missing despite the mid day...

One cannot emphasize enough the importance of transportation in a city. No wonder it is called it’s ‘lifeline’. Though our city Mumbai has seen colossal development in transport infrastructure in the last decade, the ever increasing population in Mumbai is rendering the present day infrastructure facilities inadequate. The growing vehicular population and consequent traffic congestion...

Despite the current psychological depression that we hear of post the demonetization, nothing seems to have changed for us at RCB, especially because of the clarity and ease with which PP Shailesh Haribhakti explained the context and the implications of demonetization, and advantages that the GST system is going to bring to our economy. That said,...

Having met and heard Subha Barry was truly a privilege, as not often do we meet someone with a tireless soul and an indomitable spirit, someone who despite the repeated bouts of cancer fights back to inspire others with her courage and passion for life. And I feel even more fortunate that with the inauguration of...

As expected, the Diwali celebrations this year too, exceeded most of our expectations, offering a perfect setting to a brilliant audience! I would also like to congratulate Suresh Goklaney for his nomination as the Rotary Responsible Business honoree at UN, and for making us all proud. Further, here is list of RCB’s contribution to TRF: 1. Ajay Piramal...

Dear Fellow Rotarians, Before we set ourselves into the festive spirit, it is time for us to look back at the wonderful and enriching journey we’ve had so far, acknowledge all that we have achieved and forge ahead to making the impossible, possible! Remember, RCB is and always will be an epitome of community service, the camaraderie we...

This past week has been a rather busy one for most of us, starting with the rejuvenating meditation with Mr. Sanjay Bhatia, the empowering talk by Shailesh Gandhi, the mass scale of the Diabetes Camps held across various locations, and the cancer screening camp organized at the G.K. Marg School. Kudos to President-Elect Ramesh Narayan, Madhusudan Daga and all other members of the Cancer Aid Committee for launching a multi-channel social media campaign, as...

I t was great to see a large number of Rotarians turn up for the annual Table Tennis Tournament held at the YMCA, last Sunday. It was an exciting morning with lots of fellowship. Kudos to Jamshyd, Moy, Sanjiv and the Sports Committee for a well-organized event! It was a pleasure to receive Dr. Philip J....

Even the rain gods couldn’t dampen the spirit of Rotarians who gathered at the Darbar hall of the Asiatic Society last week. It was a proud moment for our Rotarians at the inauguration of the conservation lab. The Darbar hall in all its grandeur was an apt venue for the excellent talk by Magsaysay Awardee, Mr. P. Sainath. The diversity of rural India in terms of regions, languages, and skills...

The last week too, was a busy one. Starting with the afternoon with Dr. Ajit Ranade, whose immense knowledge of economics with absolutely contemporary issues was commendable, and his passion and conviction in promoting an inclusive, equal environment reflected his patriotic self. Another big event was the District Interact conference named ’Udaan Icon 2016’ which was a perfect example of teamwork between Interactors, Rotaractors and Rotarians. A shout out to Rtn Freyaz Shroff,...

Bhavishya Yaan has once again made RCB proud by setting another milestone with E-learning, which has now also become a thrust area for the Rotary International TEACH Initiative of the Rotary India Literacy Mission. Kudos to Committee Chair Satyan Israni and all those who were involved in making it happen! Last Tuesday’s meeting with Dr. Raghuram Rajan was one etched in stone. He managed to woo the audience with his keen...

This week’s talk by Sanjay Bhatia was truly an enlightening one. So often we look for answers, which are not only difficult to find, but also affect us deeply at a soul level. And if meditation can be a means to achieving those answers, then we certainly have a golden key. Also, as we begin this...