Rotary Club of Bombay

From the President’s Desk

Rotary Club of Bombay / From the President’s Desk (Page 7)

Today I stand upon the shoulders of many stalwarts before me. Presidents who have not only made the Bombay Club what it is today but also lead with moral authority and conviction. How can we continue with the same values – the values that make a true Rotarian – in a world that has become...

SO LONG, FOLKS! What a year it has been! A truly memorable one! And all that happened was showcased at my Final Meeting on June 22nd, 2021. There were many who worked hard in front of and behind the camera, but first and foremost I thank each and every one of you for coming together on that day...

ADVENTURE WORKS IN ANY STRAND — IT CALLS TO THOSE WHO CARE MORE FOR LIVING THAN FOR THEIR LIVES. - AMAL EL-MOHTAR What a year this has been! The pandemic sweeping the globe, lockdowns, vaccines being produced in record time, partial openings, the second wave beating upon us with even more ferocity. Had I been asked...

HUMAN INTERACTION IN 2021 Dare I say that relationships and human interaction have evolved drastically in the past few years? What was considered the norm and good manners are passe and old school. In the good old days, like my father said, “Your word was your bond and reputation. It could either pave pathways for you...

OH COMMITTEE, MY COMMITTEE! A wise man by the name of Mattie Stepanek once said “In Unity is Strength” and to no other group of people does this stand truer than for my fellow Rotarians. It is only in our unity, comradery and shared passions that we have been able to achieve everything we have. While there...

LET ME EXPLAIN THE RAINBOW! We have all been hearing words and terms like pronous, non-binary, pansexual, The rainbow, the spectrum or my favorite The LGBTQIA+ community. And we all millennial and post generations are thoroughly confused. So let me complicate matters a little a more and tell you that the acronym has had a few...

IT’S GONNA BE HOT-HOT-HOT! In a city that experiences three different seasons of summer, it’s safe to say that “Summer Summer” is unbearable. Do you know the time of year when you are glad for the air conditioning in your car, building lobby, gym, stores, restaurants and secretly wished you could carry a built-in one around?...

THE STORM THAT GATHERS US ALL The extreme and severe Cyclone Tauktae is sweeping across the coast and has caused significant damage in Mumbai over the course of today. Torrential rains and winds over 100 km/hr rage over the city as we all tuck ourselves in with charged phones, supplies and prayers for the metropolis. The weather...

EVERY WARRIOR COUNTS What a time to be living in the world today with illness, dread, and desperation all around. The Covid-19 pandemic is far from over – the second wave is overwhelming us and the prophets of doom are proclaiming the onset of a third wave. How does one react to this; how does...

AND GOD CREATED A DOG “Someone strong enough to pull sleds and find bombs, yet gentle enough to love babies and lead the blind. Someone who will spend all day on the couch with a resting head and supportive eyes to lift spirits of a broken heart. So God made a dog.” – Unknown In today’s day...

FACELESS SUPERHEROES Last week my office boy had a fever. A chest scan showed that he had Covid + pneumonia and had to be checked into a hospital. Within 48 hours the hospital was running out of oxygen and had no supply of Remdisivir. As his health declined, he needed an ICU bed and none were...

RESPONSIBLE GIVING The one day we look forward to is the Official Club Visit of the District Governor. It’s the day we get to showcase the work done by our Club. And truth be told, it’s the day the District Governor showers praise and acknowledges that the Rotary Club of Bombay has made a difference to...