Rotary Club of Bombay


Rotary Club of Bombay / Education  / Celebrating NSC’s 2016 Meet

Celebrating NSC’s 2016 Meet

The Night Study Centres’ annual meeting took place on 23rd January, 2016. President Dr. Sonya Mehta was the Chief Guest for the program and was accompanied by a host of Rotarians including Past Presidents, Office bearers, Board members and Rotaryannes. Approximately 700 students, teachers, invitees and guests participated in the yearly program filled with fun and entertainment.

The Nutritional Support Programme initiated in July 2015 grew to 4 Centres by its last quarter and serves the much needed diet and nourishment for the students. While this action has directly benefitted the students, its indirect but important effect has been experienced by the parents too, who state that the children have stopped asking for pocket money to eat junk food from the wayside. This has thus turned out to be a double blessing to the families! Prizes were distributed amongst winners who championed the competitions in Clay Making (fruits and vegetable), Essay Writing (on national leaders) and a Research Project (on ‘Today’s Education System).

On the occasion, students from 18 different Night Study Centers, spread across 9 geographical locations, presented a wonderful array of cultural dances, skits and a fashion show which was thoroughly enjoyed by all. 672 educational kits comprising notes books were given to all students. At the end of the program, nutritional snacks were distributed to all present in the audience.