Rotary Club of Bombay


Rotary Club of Bombay / 2019 (Page 12)

ELECTRONIC waste or e-waste is a term for electronic products that are unwanted and/ or obsolete. E-waste is created from anything electronic, that is, computers, televisions, monitors, cell phones, laptops, cameras, air conditioners, printers etc. India is the fifth largest producer of e-waste in the world discarding roughly 18.5 lakh metric tonne of electronic waste each...

THE Rotary Club of Bombay, in partnership with the YMCA, provides a secure and quiet study environment for municipality school students to study via the Night Study Centre project. NSC runs 13 classes in 9 centres and provides books, an evening snack, and a tutor to guide the students with their homework. On Wednesday, July 31st...

WITH an aim to pay tribute to the late Nelson Mandela, the International Service team of the Rotaract Club of Hinduja College undertook an initiative called Nelson’s Legacy. This event was carried out in two different Municipal schools (Aryan Education Society and Shirodkar School) for four continuous days. Four different sessions were held from July...

DISTRICT 3141 has launched an awareness drive for Ananda Yaan. Aligned to the initiative, our partner Campaign For Good is seeking creative entries for this awareness programme from young professionals in the advertising industry. Campaign India, the leading advertising magazine is proactively promoting the contest. Other national newspapers like Free Press Journal and DNA have chipped...

TEN years back India launched Chandrayaan – a vehicle to the Moon while Rotary Club of Bombay launched Bhavishya Yaan – a vehicle for uplifting the future of underprivileged children! The Bhavishya Yaan programme (BY) of the Rotary Club of Bombay celebrated its annual day and 10th anniversary with much pomp and fanfare at the ISME...

Dear Friends, My very warm greetings to each of you. A few days ago, India launched Chandrayaan-2, its second lunar exploration mission after Chandrayaan-1 a decade ago. The launch of Chandrayaan-2 brings back fond memories. First, of our very own Mission to Future, for our Municipal school children, Bhavishya Yaan project, which also was launched a decade...

Former Commissioner of Police, Mumbai and more recently India’s Ambassador to Saudi Arabia, Javed Ahmad reflects on changing political relationships POLICING in India or a big state like Maharashtra or a metropolitan area like Mumbai is a challenge. This is not just because of the number of people, but also the rollercoaster nature of our vibrant...

THE RCB water committee has been busy. Three more villages were supplied with safe drinking water facilities through the Club’s Jal Jeevan programme for rural Maharashtra. On July 12th and 13th, 2019, our Water Resources Committee members Rtns. Abhishek Saraf and Akhil Sanghi, together with RCB’s project manager Nikhil Sonawane, inaugurated water plants in Rajderwadi (Nashik),...

Dear Friends, My very warm greetings to each of you. THERE ARE some distinctive and wonderful activities that our Rotary Club of Bombay has to its credit. In the very recent past, we have witnessed one such event – thanks to our very own Rtn. Ptn. Devi Narayan, our elders from the Ananda Yaan centres had the...

THE ROTARACT Club of Hinduja College successfully conducted its Installation Ceremony ‘Junoon’ on July 13th, 2019 at the K.P.B Hinduja College of Commerce. More than 150 guests attended the event. The installation was graced by the presence of Chief Guest DRR Rtr. Kushal Bhuva while the guests of honour were Rtn. Sunita Mandelia, Dr. Antara...

ANANDA SEVA is a unique opportunity for all Rotarians and their friends to get involved with elders. You can celebrate special days or make any day special for Ananda Yaan (AY) members by giving them experiential opportunities such as learning a new activity, participating in a satsang, enjoying a tasty snack or going for...