Rotary Club of Bombay


Rotary Club of Bombay / 2019 (Page 19)

Thirty-seven alumni from Ambedkar, GK and Colaba schools and the Night Study Centre went to see a T20 Mumbai League cricket match two weeks ago at the Wankhede Stadium. There was a lot of excitement as the children gathered outside the stadium to get ready to see the North Mumbai Panthers face ARCS Andheri! The...

[caption id="attachment_18835" align="alignright" width="272"] Last Tuesday’s speaker, former Mumbai Police Commissioner, JULIO RIBEIRO talks about conflict resolution in Punjab, Kashmir and Mumbai. Ribeiro was awarded the Citizen of Mumbai Award at the Rotary meet[/caption] “The policy now being applied in Kashmir will fail; this is my view. I have written that muscular power in Kashmir...

Dear Friends, Swati Paradkar, President of Mahila Griha Udyog Lijjat Papad, will be conferred the Anita Parikh Empowerment of Women Award on June 18th next week. Uday Kotak will also be inducted as an Honorary Rotarian next week. He will address the Club. I am pleased to share that in this year alone, our social media followers...

NSCCI and Bombay YMCA inaugurated the renovated gymnasium at YMCA, Ghatkopar on June 4th. Guests present at the inauguration were Foster Lewis (Chairman of Bombay YMCA, Ghatkopar Branch), Rtn. Paul George (General Secretary,Bombay YMCA), Austin Kunder (Assistant Gen Secretary, Bombay YMCA) and Chief Guest President Vijay Jatia, Rotary Club of Bombay. The gym equipment...

The Interact Committee of the Scholar High School had organised a canteen day in the last week of September where each and everything had been prepared by the students of standards 8 and 9. The profit made was used for children of an orphanage which provides accommodation to orphans aged five to 15 and caters...

The Child Welfare Committee of RCB organised an educational field trip for street kids to the Nehru Science Planetarium on May 29th a fortnight ago. The Planetarium was established in March 1977 with the objective of fostering scientific temper through the means of edutainment (education + entertainment). The children attended shows about space in...

A casual visit to see an RCB summer camp in progress turned out to be a celebration of ‘World No Tobacco Day with street kids at Salaam Baalak, Chowpatty centre. World No Tobacco Day (WNTD) is observed on May 31st around the world every year to encourage a 24-hour period of abstinence from all forms of...

The Indian economy is poised to hit $5 trillion in the next five years, with estimated food consumption at $1 trillion by 2025. The future of the food business in India is likely to be shaped by the following factors: FOOD PREFERENCES HAVE CREATED NEW, MICRO COMMUNITIES ~ People are travelling more than before. Migration has...

[caption id="attachment_18762" align="alignleft" width="251"] President Vijay Jatia[/caption] Rotary’s goal is to service the under-priviledged and Masina services mostly under-priviledged people. That’s how their goal meets our objective. We have started with six departments and there is more work to be done. We are putting in place a system whereby anyone in need and recommended by Rotary...