Rotary Club of Bombay


Rotary Club of Bombay / 2019 (Page 20)

RCB runs medical camps for Maharashtra policemen The Rotary Club of Bombay is organising a series of medical camps for Maharashtra Police’s junior officers and constables between May and June 2019. The first camp of this series was held on May 26th at the NM Medical Centre (Vashi & Mulund). Comprehensive executive health checkup was...

Dear Friends, As we are nearing the end of the Rotary year, several projects will be completed in the upcoming days. We have many activities lined up this week, starting with the inauguration of the renovated gymnasium at YMCA, Ghatkopar at 6 pm today. On June 17th, we will inaugurate the pre-primary school at BY. This month, we...

[caption id="attachment_18739" align="alignleft" width="251"] Rtn. Homi Katgara[/caption]There is a clear synergy in The Rotary Foundation’s association with Masina whereby not only have both institutions been in existence for over a hundred years but the purpose of serving the community at large are shared principles. The Rotary Club of Bombay has, in a short span of time,...

RCB’S JAL JEEVAN HAS INAUGURATED 12 PROJECTS IN VIDARBHA REGION OF MAHARASHTRA The Rotary Club of Bombay’s Water Resources Committee inaugurated the installation of seven RO plants, one UV plant and distributed a total of 879 gravity-based filters in four villages in the Vidarbha region of Maharashtra. These were done as a part of the Jal Jeevan...

[caption id="attachment_18634" align="alignleft" width="542"] Last Tuesday’s speakerAdvait Dikshit talks about the road to summiting MountEverest and his challenges with diabetes[/caption]Working with corporates, doing change management and addressing international conferences – this is what the front end of Advait Dikshit’s life looks like. The meat, muscle and bone of it is made up of ‘adventure...

Dear Friends, Next Tuesday, we will present the Shyam Munshi Lifetime Achievement in Arts Award to artist Laxman Shrestha. We will also honour former Mumbai Police Commissioner Julio Ribeiro with the Citizen of Mumbai Award. We are a month away from the final meeting of the year. Our journey for 2018-19 will be celebrated on June 25th...

[caption id="attachment_18654" align="alignright" width="300"] Departments inaugurated: Accident & Emergency department, Orthopaedic OT, Plastic and Cosmetic Surgery department, Burns Department, Endoscopy Department and NICU Department.[/caption] On May 24th, 2019, around 30-35 Rotarians gathered to witness the inauguration of several departments of Rotary Club of Bombay’s landmark project at the 109-year-old Masina Hospital, Byculla, Mumbai. A spend of...

The Yoga Committee of RCB is training children in 10 BMC schools. A heartening case study is that of eighth standard student Sahil who seemed to have enjoyed it the most. He gave it his best, insisted he wanted to learn more and said that yoga should be taught every day. Meha, who volunteers at GK Marg, knew...

Trusting the creative process with the magic and mystery of moving from nothing to something, the Child Welfare Committee of RCB planned outbound learning activities for street children. These children have no homes to keep them away from the heat and no school to go to in summer. Thanks to the Rotary Club of Bombay, the...

The Maneckji and Shirinbai Neterwala Foundation generously donated 20 new computers to RCB’S Vocational Training Centre at YMCA, Mumbai Central. The inauguration took place on May 21st at 5.30 pm. The Vocational Training Centre has touched the lives of close to 50,000 people since its establishment in 1993 at Agripada Municipal School. Last year, approximately 2000...

Thirty-seven children of Ambedkar School, Worli, visited the CSMVS museum on Friday, May 17th. Thanks to Rtn. Priyasri Patodia and President Vijay Jatia, everyone was well looked after at the museum. The children enjoyed the archaeological pit and were delighted with the natural history section, especially with the animals! They saw the Egyptian mummy on display...