Rotary Club of Bombay


Rotary Club of Bombay / Sports  / 9th Annual Golf Tournament & Fellowship: A Swinging Success!

9th Annual Golf Tournament & Fellowship: A Swinging Success!

The 9th Annual Golf Tournament organized by the Sports Committee has come a long way since it was instituted in Jan, 2012. Its increasing appeal brought in 32 players this year on the 16th of January at the Willingdon Sports Club. It kicked off with the serious business of teeing with the following groups – Rtns: Pradeep Chinai, Anand Shah, Dinesh Lal and Badal Mittal; Mohit Jain, Mehul Somaiya, Rajan Dalal and Dilip Dalal; Madhup Vaghani, Abhiram Sheth, Kush Shah and Rajan Dalal; Rohini Chowgule, Gulab Kalani, Kastur Sheth and Pashupati Advani; Dev Thukral, Arvind Jolly, Anil Goyel and Ashok Advani; Brinda Shah, Ragini Desai, Bela Dalal and Vinod Bhatia; Satyan Israni, Jagdish Malkani and Moy Biswas. While the camaraderie among players was excellent, with all the golfers playing to the best of their abilities, the eagles, birdies and pars and some unwanted bogeys were oncoming. Fortunately, the weather was excellent, with a cool winter morning to lighten the golfers’ exertion. The highly competitive game was played in a spirit of typical Rotarian camaraderie, facilitated by the meticulous planning and faultless execution of Rtn. Moy Biswas, who carefully synchronized the groups and players.

After a truncated game of 9 holes, the players headed to the ‘Cabbage Patch’ to indulge in the well- deserved posttournament Fellowship, which was equally engaging and exhilarating, with the presence of several Past Presidents, stalwart Rotarians and family members. The Prize Distribution ceremony saw the trophy for longest drive in hole no 01 awarded to Kush Shah, son of Rtn. Anand Shah; and nearest to the pin in hole no 18, awarded to Abhiram Sheth. The runner-up prize went to Rtn. Anand Shah.

Kush Shah was crowned the winner of the Ninth Rotary Club of Bombay Annual Golf Tournament, who had received the runner’s up trophy in 2010 and winner’s trophy in 2014. On behalf of the Sports Committee, Rtn. Moy Biswas also presented a special present to President Dr. Sonya Mehta for her constant motivation and encouragement. In appreciation for the non-participating ladies, for their dedicated presence and encouragement, a lucky draw was organised and won by R/anne Delna, wife of Rtn. Jamshyd Vazifdar. Rtn. Biswas thanked Rtn. Dinesh Lal for sponsoring the fellowship including hosting the breakfast for the players, as also the families of Rtns: Naresh Jain, Arvind Agarwal, Bimal Mehta, Ashok Advani and Fali Mehta for their generous contributions every year. Rtns. Madhup Vaghani and Dinesh Lal declared they would sponsor the next two years posttournament Fellowship. This was greeted with loud applause, marking the end of the 9th Annual Golf Tournament & Fellowship which turned out to indeed be yet another ‘swinging’ success!