Rotary Club of Bombay

Bhavishya Yaan

Rotary Club of Bombay / Bhavishya Yaan  / BY’s H1N1 & Traffic Safety Workshop

BY’s H1N1 & Traffic Safety Workshop

On the 26th of December, BY’s G.K.Marg conducted a workshop on the prevention, cause and treatment of the H1N1 disease, which is spreading at a fast pace in Mumbai. Emphasis was laid on educating children about personal hygiene. Attended by 50 students, the workshop also comprised alerting children on traffic safety rules and the need to adopt road safety measures. The enthused students stood on the pavements to make commuters aware about traffic rules and engaged them in topics including following traffic signals, wearing seatbelts and helmets, using pedestrian crossings, sidewalks and subways. The impact of this campaign by young participants was very effective as the offenders immediately abided by the traffic rules and promised not to break them henceforth!