Rotary Club of Bombay


Rotary Club of Bombay / Rotaract  / RCHR Report: Cultivating a Good Habit

RCHR Report: Cultivating a Good Habit

On the 22nd of January, 2016 the RCHR team woke up to an early morning which led them to the farms near Badlapur via a two-hour train journey. The agenda was to plant as many trees as possible, in a budding effort to save the planet. So they headed first for a nursery from where they would choose the seeds and saplings they wished to grow. There were nearly a hundred and twenty-five options to choose from – right from choosing to plant a coconut tree or a smaller, gentler flower! After picking 25 plants of their choice, they set off for the farm to start the planting process.

They realised that digging the ground took longer and way more strength and dedication than expected, but two hours later they were done planting and watering the trees. The philosophy that the team would like to share could be thus summarized, “People don’t realise that the smallest things hold the largest value. Without trees, there would be no life on Earth, there would be no beauty, there would be no home for wildlife! So we hope we have created an impact. And leave you with the thought that the best time to plant a tree would have been twenty years ago, but the second best time is now!” Touché to that!