Rotary Club of Bombay


Rotary Club of Bombay / Fellowship  / Heads-Up: International Fellowship in Mumbai: ‘Group of 1929’

Heads-Up: International Fellowship in Mumbai: ‘Group of 1929’

RCB will host a unique, four day International Fellowship in Mumbai from 12th to 15th March, 2016. What makes this event distinctive is that an additional four clubs from all over the world, which have been founded in or before the year 1929, will participate along with RCB! These include Rotary Clubs from Madras, Malaysia, Sri Lanka and the US! There would be a total of forty visitors, including partners and Rotarians, most of whom would be hosted by fellow Rotarians of RCB in home-hospitality, for the three nights. A wonderful program of three-day fellowship has been lined up for them. On behalf of our President, Dr. Sonya Mehta, and RCB, PP Rtn. Sandip Agarwalla invites all to join in on this extraordinary occasion. A short itinerary is listed as under: Saturday, 12th March: Arrival in Mumbai.

A rocking evening is on the cards post 7:45 pm, with drinks and dinner at the Malabar Hill Club, and entertainment programmes including a Dress theme, where you would dress as your favourite Bollywood/Hollywood star; mehndi application; DJ music with Bollywood and Hollywood themes! Sunday, 13th March: Visit to Alibag Monday, 14th March : The morning will be spend sightseeing in Mumbai, including a drive around Dhobhi Ghat for a photo-stop, visiting Mani Bhavan (Mahatma Gandhiji’s residence); Churchgate station to watch the famous ‘dabbawallas’ of Mumbai in action; followed by a drive along the Fort Heritage precinct (Sassoon library, University, High Court, CST station).

Lunch will be at 1:00 pm at Thacker’s (Chowpatty) and dinner at 8:00 pm will be hosted by Rtn. Pradeep Mafatlal at his bungalow – celebrating RCB fellowship with the full club on RCB completing 86 years! Tuesday, 15th March: There will be the regular Club meeting over lunch at the Taj Mahal Hotel; RC Bombay and RC Madras will make a presentation together on the joint project for the Chennai floods; followed by a panel discussion on ‘Is the world really getting smaller through technology or is it causing loss of human spirit and core values?’ The evening would mark the departure of the guests. The itinerary promise all a gala time filled with fellowship and bonhomie! Watch this space for the full report in our next issue!