Rotary Club of Bombay


Rotary Club of Bombay / Fellowship  / RCB Hosts A Delightful International Fellowship

RCB Hosts A Delightful International Fellowship

The Rotary Club of Bombay hosted a marvelous International Fellowship from the 12th to 15th March, 2016, celebrating the Vintage flavor with a few Clubs from around the world which were founded in or before 1929. Participating were the RC of Seramban, Malaysia, RC of Colombo, Sri Lanka, RC of Liepzig, Germany, RC of Canon City, CO, USA and our coordinating partner, the RC of Madras. The Fellowship started out with a highenergy evening of camaraderie on the 12th of March itself, comprising cocktails and dinner at the Malabar Hill Club. With Bollywood/Hollywood being the theme of the evening, there was also an enjoyable quiz conducted by Dr. Smita Khambatti, arranged by Rtn. Deepak Kapadia. The ‘Best Costume’ was presented to Rtn. Sharanjeet Singh of Seramban who dressed to look like Ranveer Singh. All present enjoyed the pleasant weather on the terrace, the fun music, the drinks and tasty fare on offer. Thanks to Rtns. Jai Advani, Shalina, Radhika Kaji and Malini Agarwalla for planning the entire evening so meticulously!

Next morning, a group of about eighty comprising the international delegates as well as RCB committee members, assembled at the Gateway of India for a boat and bus ride to Mandwa for a relaxing Sunday Brunch Fellowship hosted by Rtns. Gopi and Ashish Vaid at their Alibag home. Exotic cocktails, delicious chaat and lunch comprising multiple cuisines including Thai, South Indian and Punjabi was served. A talented saxophonist played melodious strains followed by a karaoke session where President Rtn. Sonya Mehta impressed all with her vocal skills in a duet with Khurshed Poonawalla. Warm note of thanks to our hosts for a fabulous afternoon. The rest of the day was free for our visitors to enjoy Mumbai.

Monday, the 14th started with a morning Mumbai sightseeing, courtesy of our R/Anne Sandhya Merchant who designed a tour to Dhobi Ghat, Mani Bhavan, seeing the famous Dabbahwallahs in action, Fort Heritage precinct (Sassoon Library, University, High Court, CST Station) and Kotachiwadi. This was followed by a thali lunch at Thackers’s, Chowpatty. Twenty-three visitors enjoyed the tour accompanied by Rtns. Mudit Jain and Hiren Kara of RCB. The evening celebrated a fabulous Full Club Fellowship of RCB’s 86th Birthday, hosted by our generous members, Rtns. Pradeep and Divya Mafatlal on the expansive lawns of their beautiful Altamount Road family home. The choicest cocktails, delicious food and delectable desserts were heartily enjoyed by over a hundred and fifty attendees, with a live band.

President Rtn. Sonya Mehta opened the meeting followed by Fellowship Announcements, guest toasts and a vote of thanks to our gracious hosts. The entire logistics was skillfully handled by Chris Bluemel, along with Rtn. Ashok Chinai. A special note of thanks to the numerous hosts for opening their homes and hospitality to the visiting Rotarians. The final day – the 15th of March began with a morning trip to our Club’s new project, the Jal Jeevan Water Center at Rafinagar, near Chembur, for the supply of safe drinking water to the slums, organised by Rtn. Ravi Fotedar.

Following the opening announcements, 3 minute presentations on their clubs were made by Rtns. Rajendra Sabanagayam from RC, Madras; Nithi Murugesu from RC, Colombo; Dr. Linda Carlson, RC, Cannon City (USA); and Dr. C S Paul, RC, Seramban (Malaysia). A thought-provoking panel discussion, was held, moderated by Rtn. Poonam Kumar titled ‘Is the world really getting smaller through technology or is it causing loss of human spirit and core values?’ The teams that participated included Rtns. Mudit Jatia (RCB), Sara Soundararajan (RC, Colombo) and Dr. Eric Carlson (RC, Cannon City) speaking for the motion; while Rtns. Dr. C S Paul (RC, Seramban) , Raj Somasundaram (RC, Madras) and Mudit Jain (RCB) spoke against the motion. The President of the Rotary Club of Madras along with three Past Presidents presented a plaque to President Sonya Mehta for RCB for our Club for hosting the International Fellowship and fostering closer relationships with participating 1929 vintage clubs.

Special thanks on behalf of all Members to PP Rtn. Sandip Agarwalla and the entire International Fellowship Committee for its outstanding effort and execution to deliver a memorable fellowship and to all our members who graciously arranged to take care of our visiting guests.