Rotary Club of Bombay

Bhavishya Yaan

Rotary Club of Bombay / Bhavishya Yaan  / BHAVISHYA YAAN UPDATE – Super Sportsman Pranit

BHAVISHYA YAAN UPDATE – Super Sportsman Pranit

Our Bhavishya Yaan Alumni, Pranit Dattaram Kijbile of GK Marg Municipal School completed his SSC in 2016- 2017. He is a proud son of an electrician and a house maid and he dreams big. He is 17 years old and wants to become a sport teacher.

He has received 37 certificates and awards for himself in different BMC competitions in Judo, Taikwando, Kabaddi, Football, Wrestling, and Shot-put, plus 2 awards by Bhavishya Yaan in Cricket. He wished to teach to our existing Bhavishya Yaan students of GK Marg and is now diligently training them in Judo, Wrestling and Taikwando by dedicating one hour, 5 times a week in school.

Trained under him, 8 boys and girls won medals in inter-school this year. He is very thankful to Rotary Club of Bombay for giving him the programme of Bhavishya Yaan, through which he learnt to give back what you can. For now he has skills and excels in sports and that is how he is giving back along with going to college in the afternoon. The Principal of the school has sent a letter to our club in gratitude to encourage this child to teach along with some photos of his certificates and the team he trained at GK Marg.