Rotary Club of Bombay


Rotary Club of Bombay / Rotaract  / WHAT BRINGS LIGHT INTO YOUR LIFE?


Rotarians look within

Being as fortunate as we are, it would be a criminal waste of resources if we did not give back. We come together with like-minded people to give back to a plethora of causes. Rtn. Zeenia Master

My mother recited this poem: life is an echo; it all comes back, the good, the false, the true. Give the world the best you have and the best will come back to you. PP. Rtn. Mukesh Batra

Have to have the courage to follow your conviction. Back yourself and believe in yourself all the time. Rtn. Mahesh Khubchandani

Our club is doing awesome work; the range of activities we do and the depth we go into… We always say we both socialise and work hard. PP. Rtn. Ashish Vaid