Rotary Club of Bombay


Rotary Club of Bombay / Bhavishya Yaan  / Parents visit Bhavishya Yaan School

Parents visit Bhavishya Yaan School

BY kids impress their guardians with performances of The Jungle Book

NM Joshi Marg BMC School had its meeting with parents of the primary section on November 29. It has been one of the best parents’ meetings so far. The attendance was amazing.

The class was over-flowing with parents. Some of them had to stand in the doorway. It was an opportunity to inform everyone about the benefits of BY.

The meeting was also held to tell them about the Diwali Literature Festival which the primary children enjoyed as it was on Rudyard Kipling’s The Jungle Book.

Children performed parts they had prepared to showcase this meeting and performed with confidence.

There was big praise for the display of The Jungle Book that was put up by our teachers and the parents even took photos of the same.

Primary teachers of the NM Joshi Marg BMC school were also there and they addressed the parents in Marathi and praised RCB’s BY Project.