Rotary Club of Bombay

Ananda Yaan

Rotary Club of Bombay / Ananda Yaan  / Ananda Yaan celebrates New Year’s eve

Ananda Yaan celebrates New Year’s eve

We thank Rtr Mehak Mehta, Rtr Palak Shah, Rtr Simran Lodha and Rotaract Club of H.R. College for celebrating Christmas and New Year’s eve with senior citizens and their grandchildren at newly-opened Dr E Moses Road centre of Ananda Yaan. Thank you Rtn. Chris for arranging fruits and juice for everyone. Members enjoyed the game of Housie and
winning pouches and New Year diaries as gifts.

After Housie, members were put into smaller groups and the Rotaractors helped them make New Year greeting cards for their grandchildren. They had done art and colouring after years and enjoyed the same. The fun morning ended with
music and dance.