Rotary Club of Bombay


Rotary Club of Bombay / Bhavishya Yaan  / Capital effort!

Capital effort!

The Rotary Club of Bombay thanks Rtn. Vineet Bhatnagar for bringing PhillipCapital’s resources into the Bhavishya Yaan project by contributing its time, money and effort towards the Centre at G.K. Marg BMC School, Lower Parel for three years. In addition, he also leads by example by getting personally involved in uplifting the lives of underprivileged children.

When we think of generosity, our thoughts automatically drift to gifts of money and the monetary value attached to them but some gifts have a value beyond monetary importance. These include giving students guidance, training and opportunity to help prepare in building their future.

Vineet, along with Kinshuk Tiwari (Head of Research, PhillipCapital), connected the dots for many others from his
company who were eager to contribute to society in a meaningful way. The dots helped them see how each contribution
they make, no matter how small it may be in the scheme of things, has a bearing on the ultimate vision of the company.

Inspired, Kishore Malpani (AVP F&A, PhillipCapital), invited 11 G.K. Marg School alumni to his office. Employee
engagement cannot get better than this! Kinshuk, Ganesh Gandhi and Kishore gave their personal attention and time to the alumni. They spoke of what data servers are and how their company conducts business.

They explained capital, equity and commodity markets in simple language. Their team went through the resumes that the children had taken with them. They explored the possibility of internships for the youth at their office after brief interviews with each of them. This opens a new world for the children (who had been excited to wear formal clothes and make their first resumes), bringing them more opportunities to further their career prospects.

Manoj Gharat (Head of the IT Department at PhillipCapital) coaches grade 8 and 9 students of BY at GK Marg School on Information Technology every fortnight. Currently, he is conducting lectures and practicals on Geogebra. Geogebra is an open source software designed for students to understand basics of Algebra & Geometry using computers. Its simple and intuitive interface allows students to verify geometrical theorems, construct geometrical figures and understand
their properties. Geogebra also teaches students to solve mathematical equations and statistics.

Ganesh teaches Upa Yoga to 45 children of BY at GK Marg School from grades 5 to 8. Upa Yoga means “sub-yoga” or “preyoga”. Ganesh, through this programme, is teaching a simple, yet powerful set of 10 practices that activate joints, muscles and energy systems, bringing ease to the whole body.

PhillipCapital is thus engaging its employees in a meaningful way.