Rotary Club of Bombay


Rotary Club of Bombay / Bhavishya Yaan  / PARTY AT GK MARG SCHOOL AND THE YEAR GONE BY!


Another year has gone by at Bhavishya Yaan’s GK Marg School and it has been like its previous years, memorable. The year began on a joyous note with the primary section being added to BY for the first time. Teaching fundamentals of English to the enthusiastic primary students through the year has been satisfying for the teachers and mentors of BY.

English and Computer classes at BY for secondary grade students were conducted as scheduled, with spoken English being taught in an integrated way. Tenth standard students were guided by BY teachers in preparing for their board exams. Apart from academics, children participated in extracurricular activities like yoga, art and dance. Field trips to the Zoo and Museum enhanced their exposure.

As the year came to an end, a Summer Camp was conducted wherein the teachers discussed the adventure novel Around the World in 80 Days by Jules Verne. The children enjoyed the book and gave oral presentations on the topics they learned during the camp.

At the end of the year, the children were treated to a party in school with a unicyclist, juggler, games, music, dancing, delicious snacks and a return gift. Student volunteers from Bombay International School and HR College have played an important role in GK in bringing new ways of learning to them through interactions with them.

Keeping the students’ overall health in mind, this year also, dental camps and eye checkup camps were organised by BY for all its students and conducted by Rotaract volunteers and Aditya Jyot Foundation, respectively. BY at GK Marg looks forward to the academic year 2019- 2020 and is all set to make it another fruitful and gratifying year for the students and their mentors.

A special mention:
This year, a wonderful gesture on the part of some GK alumni proved that the BY programme builds a bond with its students not just during, but also after they have passed. Some of the BY alumni of GK have started to regularly help teachers in classrooms and on field trips. A heartfelt thank you for their contribution to the common good.