President’s Report for 2018-2019 – Attendance Committee
Director in Charge: Rtn. Mehul Sampat
Committee Members:
Chairperson: Rtn. Anand Dalal
Co-Chairperson: Rtn. Anand Shah
Members of the committee: Rtn. Jamshyd Vazifdar, Rtn. Hiranmay Biswas
Goal of Attendance Committee: Improving quality attendance along with attendance at weekly meeting. Working with Assimilation Committee and other committees to achieve synergy was established. Attendance survey was carried out, results documented and results analysed.
Those interested in specific projects were put in touch with committee heads for further action. Attendance credit for projects was institutionalised and various heads of projects were told to take attendance for members attending projects to counter-check.
List of very low attendance members handed over to office bearers for further action.