President’s Report for 2018-2019 – Phiroze Ratanshah Vakil Eye Centre
Director-in-charge: Rtn. (Dr.) Ashok Kirpalani
Chairperson: Rtn. Arin Percy Master
Committee members: PP Rtn. (Dr.) Rahim Muljiani (Chairman Emeritus), PP Rtn. (Dr.) Rumi Jehangir (Vice Chairman Emeritus), PP Rtn. Ashish Vaid, Rtn. Hiren Kara, PP Rtn. Sandip Agarwalla, Rtn. Manish Sampat
Projects completed: Quite a few repairs have been carried out. The kitchen area, all bathrooms and toilets have been refurbished. Through the CSR Fund of SBI Mutual Funds, we have been able to meet the following: Posterior Vitrectomy, YAG Laser and Operating Microscope. These instruments were installed and inaugurated on May 5th, 2019 and will go a long way in facilitating and improving the services we render to the people in and around Talwada. We have also released the 40th Anniversary Brochure on February 26th, 2019
Ongoing projects: This is an ongoing project. And we currently require the following:
Green Laser – The Green Laser is used for treating Retinal Diseases like Diabetic Retinopathy, Eale’s Disease, Vascular Occlusions and Glaucoma – Iridectomies.