Rotary Club of Bombay

The Rotary Foundation

Rotary Club of Bombay / The Rotary Foundation  / President’s Report for 2018-2019 – The Rotary Foundation Committee

President’s Report for 2018-2019 – The Rotary Foundation Committee

Director-in-charge: Rtn. Pradeep Gupta

Chairperson: Rtn. Mudit Jain

Co-chairperson: Rtn. Hiren Kara

Committee Members: PP Rtn. Nirav Shah, Rtn. Seema Makhija, Rtn. Satyan Israni, Rtn. Mudit Jatia, Rtn. Vivek Himatsingka

Number of beneficiaries:
As there are many Global Grants in diverse fields of education, water purification and hospital treatment, beneficiaries number in tens of thousands.

For example, in the teacher training project for a hundred Thane Municipal schools, the beneficiaries are over 24,000 school children.

Projects completed:
Up-gradation of Masina Hospital (CSR – Phase I) Up-gradation of the following departments: Accident and Emergency, Orthopaedic Operation Theatre, Plastic and Cosmetic Surgery, Burns, Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) and Endoscopy.

Cost of project: Rs. 250 lakh (US$ 342,500)
Teacher training for tribal children in a hundred government schools in Jharkhand.

Cost of project: Rs. 50 lakh
(US$ 77,000)

Teacher training to improve scholastic outcome of 24,000 students studying in municipal schools in Thane, Maharashtra.

Cost of project: Rs.183 lakh (US$ 285,000)

Actual achieved till May 2019: $800,000

Installation of water purification plants for slum dwellers in Ambujwadi and Rathode – cost of project: Rs.31 lakh.

Presently, 197 out of 321 members are PHF members (61 per cent).

Installation of water purification plants in the interiors of Maharashtra.

For conducting paediatric surgeries for children. 40 surgeries conducted so far and from earlier joint global grant 80 surgeries conducted.