Rotary Club of Bombay


Rotary Club of Bombay / From the President’s Desk  / President’s Message

President’s Message

Dear Friends,

Very warm greetings.

“13 Steps to Bloody Good Health” co-authored by our PP Rtn. (Dr.) Mukesh Batra (a man of many talents) along with Ashwin Sanghi is a must read for all age groups. We were fortunate to get a first-hand account of these two celebrities’ experiences in authoring this book. As the authors stated, “It is tragic that we get old too soon, and wise up to life too late. There’s so much we could-and should-have done to get to this point in better shape.” Let us do a course-correction by following these simple steps to BLOODY GOOD HEALTH!!!

The grave damage and disruption to life and property caused by incessant heavy rains and floods in our state’s districts of Kolhapur, Sangli and Satara have left lakhs of people homeless, stranded, hapless and a way back to normal life for them seems distant. Our District 3141 is extending its support to the affected people. I once again appeal to you and to your friends, relatives and contacts to extend your financial support and help our brethren in affected areas. Please send in your contributions favouring “Rotary Club Bombay Charities Trust No 3” towards the “Humanity Calling” District project.

In an economy presently said to be riddled with poor or weak sentiments, it becomes somewhat more difficult, but certainly not impossible, for us to raise funds for our various club projects, which needless to say have to go on and grow. This simply requires commitment from each of our Rotarians and Rotary Partners, some more effort and, possibly more hands on the job. I would sincerely urge and request each and all our members to join in and contribute with ‘Time, Talent and Treasure’. Philanthropy and charity in economic adversity has a different joy and flavour
of caring and sharing.

Thank you to all those who have extended their support for our fund raiser show – ‘Sonu Nigam – Live in Concert’ on Tuesday 27th August 2019 – looking forward to an enjoyable evening and seeing you all there in large numbers to make it a memorable event for our Club.

Preeti Mehta