Rotary Club of Bombay


Adopt A Book

AT the meeting on September 3rd, 2019, Rtn. Sheila Bulchandani’s granddaughter Samira appealed to the audience to Adopt-A-Book at the Asiatic Library. The initiative was started by our Club’s Urban Heritage Committee four years ago.

Samira explained that a shortage of funds at the Asiatic resulted in the inability to restore and preserve old manuscripts and books. As a result, the preservation of our heritage is at stake.

Donations allow the Asiatic Library to continue to build their collection, preserve it for future generations, and make materials available to curious minds around the world through digitisation.

Books may be adopted to commemorate an occasion, celebrate a milestone, or honour a great achievement, while supporting the mission of the Asiatic Society.

The process is simple:

  1. Choose a book of your choice. (or you can request the ASM staff to pick the ones in dire need)
  2. Fill in the form provided
  3. Pay Rs. 7,000/ book.

You can either approach the library directly or through the Urban Heritage Committee or online (the link will emailed to you by the office on request).

Every donation counts, no matter how small it is.