Rotary Club of Bombay


Rotary Club of Bombay / Inner Wheel  / Vedic Maths for Kids

Vedic Maths for Kids

ON September 18th, 2019, the Inner Wheel Club of Bombay organised a Vedic Maths workshop for children of standard 7 of Dr Babasaheb Ambedkar School, BDD Chawl, Worli. A hundred students, five school teachers and 12 club members attended the workshop.

Mrs. Kapse (Superintendent BMC), Mrs Vidhya Yadav (Beat Officer) and Mrs. Sangeeta Shrivastava (Principal) were also present, and appreciated this project undertaken by Inner Wheel Club of Bombay.

Masters in the field of Vedic Maths, Mrs. Sheetal Mehta and Mrs. Hemal Dedhia conducted the workshop flawlessly, showing ways to solve even difficult maths problems with ease. Notebooks, pens and juices were distributed to all students and teachers of the school.