Rotary Club of Bombay


Rotary Club of Bombay / Uncategorized  / A Tribute To Rtn. Sitaram Shah

A Tribute To Rtn. Sitaram Shah

By President Preeti Mehta
Rtn. Sitaram Shah joined our Rotary Club on April 3rd, 1990 and continued as an active Rotarian since, until he passed on November 6th, 2019. Sitaramji was an amazing person. A true and dedicated Rotarian, committed to various causes, Yoga being his favourite. His passion for Yoga and its practice was a given.

Though an excused member, he was quite regular at the Club’s weekly meetings. In recent years, despite his age and health issues, he was full of energy and enthusiasm and had a very positive attitude. He led life on his own terms and in a very disciplined manner.

We will, at RCB, fondly remember Sitaramji and miss his presence, particularly at meetings, where he invariably had interesting and thought provoking questions for our guest speakers. He was and will remain an inspiration to many of us.

Sitaramji leaves behind his wife, Veena, son, Rtn. Vandan and his wife Ekta who, as a Rotary Partner, is actively involved in several of our Club’s projects.

By PE Rtn. Framroze Mehta
Our very own yogi, Sitaram Shah, was a gentleman who epitomized Rotary. Whist serving in various capacities in our Club, he put his heart into all that he did. He used his passion and knowledge of yoga to encourage so many school children to take up yoga daily. I have vivid memories of Sitaram, during the Q&A sessions at Club meetings, being the first to rise, action his customary knock (tuk-tuk) on the mike and ask questions of the speaker. He was a soft-spoken man, who had ingrained himself in all our hearts, with his gentleness and sincerity. Sitaram will surely be missed by us all.

By PP Rtn. Nowroze Vazifdar
In the passing away of Sitaram Shah we have lost a fine man. He was a true Rotarian and committed to several causes which he espoused with vigour and dedicated focus. Despite being in poor health, he made it a point to attend our meetings and I last saw him at our Club’s EGM on October 22nd, when he admonished me for my irregular attendance. He had an enquiring mind – as evidenced by the questions he posed to almost every guest speaker – and he knew he was being gently and good-naturedly mocked for this. Those who worked with him, as I had the privilege of doing when he was Honorary Secretary of our Club, came to know him and admire him as a sincere, dedicated, meticulous and warm human being.

Truly a loss for our Club. Sitaram will be missed”.

By RCB Staff
He was a man of principle, who followed the FOUR WAY TEST in his daily life.