Rotary Club of Bombay

Ananda Yaan

Rotary Club of Bombay / Ananda Yaan  / Kathak Live For Ananda Yaan

Kathak Live For Ananda Yaan

NCPA’s outreach programme delights senior citizens

In December, both our Ananda Yaan Centres (joint initiatives of Dignity Foundation and Rotary Club of Bombay) got a golden opportunity when renowned Kathak artiste Seema Mehta and her two students performed at the centre. They were accompanied by Satyaprakash Mishra on the tabla. This was possible due to the outreach initiative by the NCPA. The event at the centres was a first for the members. They had seen Kathak performances on TV but this was their first live experience and that too in such proximity.

The performers began first with the “Pranayam,” an invocation, where dancers invoked the higher self, paying respect to the floor, the audience, the musician and even the instruments. All three demonstrated Kathak Yoga where they sang a “Nagma”, a melody in teen tal while doing polyrhythmic compositions. Seema Mehta then did a short and exciting “Thaat” that concluded with a Sawal-Jawab! She then depicted the famous “Kaliyadaman” story which the lady members thoroughly enjoyed. Satyaprakash on the tabla engaged the members by making them to do Sawal- Jawab.

Finally, the dancers and the members sang Raghupati Raghav together to a concluding Pranaam. What made this event special was the taal-mel (interaction) between the artistes and the members. The members felt a part of the performance and not just observers. They shared that it was one thing to see it on TV but a completely different and enchanting experience to see it live and that too so close. A few members even wondered whether their grandchildren could take up Kathak. Thank you NCPA!