Rotary Club of Bombay


Rotary Club of Bombay / Sports  / Sport brings communities together!

Sport brings communities together!

At Lighthouse, sports brought Rotarians and Rotaractors together, too, to participate in races along with children and parents of fishermen community at Bhai Bhandarwar Machchimar Nagar.

On Sunday, January 12th, the Lighthouse Centre held its first Sports Day in the Machchimar Community Ground near its premises. All students from KG to Std. 5 participated in the event. Bharat Daftary (Chairman and Managing Director of Bharat Serums and Vaccines Ltd.) and his lovely wife Bhavna, who have been supporters of our Lighthouse project, presided as chief guests at the event.

Sports plays a crucial role in the all-round development of an individual and has its myriad benefits. Not only does it help build muscles, increase stamina and endurance but also keeps the mind alert and lowers stress levels.

We, at Lighthouse, believe: ‘a sound mind lives in a sound body.’ We conducted Sports Day to inculcate the habit of outdoor exercise which is crucial in promoting children’s well-being as much as classroom studying does.

Through this we hope to imbibe, in our children, the main principles of playing a game – team spirit and healthy competition which is more important than winning or losing a game. The children participated in a variety of innovative races like Little Artist, Spell the Word, Let’s Go Fishing, Bunny Hop etc. A drill by the tiny tots of KG class and a football routine on the rousing Bollywood number ‘Goal’ were the highlights of the day.

The Yoga and Taekwondo instructors each put up performances to showcase the skills of their students. Most of the students in the Taekwondo class have now graduated to higher levels and were awarded their new belts and certificates at the event.

Races for parents, student volunteers and Rotarians injected some fun into the event. Parents enthusiastically participated in the races and the winners were overjoyed to climb the victory stand and be photographed standing on it.

Despite it being their rest day on Sunday, Machchimar Nagar community members, parents and Rotarians attended in large numbers. Chairman Rajesh Shah, Rtn. Dilip Dalal, PP Rtn. Ramesh Narayan, Rtn. Charu Agrawal, Rtn. Vandana Shah, Rtn. Ptn. Ekta Shah, Rtn. Ptn. Asha Shah, and Ms. Pratibha Pai attended the event and cheered the participants. Manisha Ahuja conducted the flow of the event in a smooth manner.

We are overwhelmed with the cooperation and participation of the community which has made us decide to make Sports Day an annual event for the Lighthouse children.