Rotary Club of Bombay

Bhavishya Yaan

Rotary Club of Bombay / Bhavishya Yaan  / Picture Perfect Moments For BY

Picture Perfect Moments For BY

Dr Batra’s Foundation unveiled the 15th edition of its photography exhibition Magic Moments with this year’s theme being ‘An Aussie Dream of Sunny Sands and the Offbeat Outback’ on March 3rd, 2020 at the Piramal Art Gallery, NCPA. The annual charitable exhibition, supported by the Tourism Board of Western Australia and Pan Pacific Hotel Perth, features a series of 75 photographs by Padma Shri and PP Rtn. (Dr.) Mukesh Batra and watercolours by Lene Makwana – a Western Australian visual artist and graphic designer originally from Norway.

As part of his philanthropic outreach, Dr. Mukesh Batra also invited around 50 children from Bhavishya Yaan to visit the exhibition. While there, the children participated in a painting contest in association with Ishin, Faber-Castell and Fonterra Future Dairy where they were shown a photo of which they painted their own interpretation. The competition was flagged off by President Preeti Mehta. Dr. Batra thanked all Rotarians for their participation in
making the exhibition a success with a special thanks to Rtn. Charu Agarwal who contributed in a big way by providing T-shirts and goodie bags for each child present. Over the last 14 years, Dr. Batra has turned his passion for photography into an avenue for philanthropy by donating the proceeds from the exhibition to the visually impaired. Proceeds from the exhibition will be donated to support the restoration of bush fire-affected areas in Australia.

Commenting on the exhibition, Dr. Batra said, “I was glad to discover and capture the hidden gem that is Western Australia and bring its beauty to the people of India. Being invited as a guest of the state is a testament of my growth as a photographer and my passion for photography. I hope that through this exhibition, we are able to contribute to the recovery and rehabilitation of the bush fire-affected areas.” Commenting on the exhibition, collaboration and initiative, Hon. Paul Papalia CSC MLA, Minister for Tourism said, “From the ancient and other- worldly landscapes of the Pinnacles and fields of vibrant wildflowers in bloom, to the spectacular views of our city from Kings Park, Dr. Batra has captured some of Western Australia’s unique natural beauty and stunning scenery.”