Rotary Club of Bombay


Rotary Club of Bombay / From the President’s Desk  / President’s Message

President’s Message

Being President of the Rotary Club of Bombay is an honour and privilege. I thank the Club and its members for the trust and belief they have reposed in me. I will endeavour to fulfil that trust and belief.

At the outset, let me congratulate Immediate Past President Preeti, her Board and her team for a stupendous and successful year. Preeti’s dedication, diligence and keen eye for detail, have ensured that the year gone by was a tremendous success. I am grateful that I can count on Preeti’s support and experience in the year ahead.

Hearty congratulations also to my incoming Board and Chairpersons, who I am sure will give their utmost to fulfil their roles and responsibilities this year.

I am also grateful for all the support and encouragement given to me by my life partner, Zarina, and my three sons, Pheroze, Rohaan and Zahan. You have always stood by me and encouraged all my ambitions, endeavours and decisions. I love you all.

Every President tries to define the year by the Rotary Motto “Service Above Self” and by expanding the Rotary cause, spreading goodwill and fostering camaraderie.

When I was elected to be the 92nd President of our Club, I never expected or visualized that my year might be so different, so challenging, so redefining.

I never envisioned addressing a group of pixilated Rotarians or conducting a meeting over something called zoom! In fact I always thought zoom only meant great speed, but here we are, so relaxed in the comfort of our homes.

Covid-19 and confinement have changed not only how I had visualized this year for the Rotary Club of Bombay, but has also been an introspective and eye opening journey for each and every one of us as individuals as we learn to prioritize health and well-being over wealth, luxury and convenience.

I have spent hours and days introspecting about how I could give wings to my vision & plans and add weight to the mission I’ve been entrusted with. Frankly with all the time at hand and nowhere to go, that is pretty much all I’ve done.

What I’ve learned is that the lack of physical interaction, though not ideal, is neither a limitation nor a deterrent to getting the job done. Over countless zoom meetings I’ve realised that every member has the same fervour, enthusiasm and willingness as before. For me, that was the game changer! The impetus to innovate and explore a new language of work can and will achieve all our objectives, just in a different way.

As we eventually and gradually step out of the lockdown and slowly resume our daily lives, I hope to not only achieve what I had initially envisaged but also to expand that vision.

Let me enumerate.

  1. Our Kohinoor, as the medical centres at Talwada are called, will be integrated into one large RCB Medical Centre, Talwada. Whilst the Pheroze R. Vakil Eye Centre and the Ajit Deshpande Medical Centre will continue to flourish, we will add new medical services, to start with, Gynaecology and Dermatology. Vocational Training also will be introduced, which will translate into much needed income and which is extremely vital to improve and enhance the lives of those that we serve at Talwada and its surrounding villages.
  2. The Integrated Water and Electricity Project is another great example of how RCB has improved lives in rural Maharashtra by making available solar powered electricity and water – for both individual households and irrigation. I will continue with this initiative to reach many many more villages in the state.
  3. The Rotary Club of Bombay has joined hands with Rotary India in its initiative to send disadvantaged children to school. However, mere education will not suffice. Children who are hungry cannot learn. I am equally committed to ensure that these children are given good nourishment not just for their survival, but also for their growth and development.
  4. Innovative Fellowships, an important cornerstone of Rotary, will also be a focus area since member participation and interaction will keep us connected socially and our bonhomie will get even stronger. Rotary touches lives and communities. Let it also touch our Rotarian fraternity.
  5. Being a 91 year old Club with over 300 members, the demography of our membership shows up the average age as 57. I will endeavour to induct at least 10 new young members, including professionals, who will bring with them vibrancy, willingness to work and innovative ideas of service. A healthy mix of youthful exuberance with the wisdom and experience of age – surely a benefit to our Club.

While I am excited to initiate these programs, I would like to acknowledge the continuous and outstanding work done by our amazing and dedicated committees such as Bhavishya Yaan, Environment, Urban Heritage, Gender Equality, Jal Jeevan and Water Resources, Ananda Yaan and so many more. I am truly proud of all the selfless service given to those that need it the most.

District Governor Sunnil, having been privy to your vision for 20-21, I must proudly state that we are already involved with several projects that you would want to expand in the District – Bhavishya Yaan, Jal Jeevan, Safe Drinking Water, Paediatric Heart Surgery, to name a few. Further I have introduced the Panchattatva Project, as well as Givers Gain and Rotary Angels; all being such worthwhile projects.

I am also happy to announce that out of our committed amount of $ 125,000 for the TRF collections, our Club has made an initial contribution of $ 50,000 including $ 20,000 towards the Annual Program Fund.

These extraordinary times have kept us distanced from our families, friends, the Rotarian fraternity and the communities that we endeavour to serve. However, now more than ever, we can see how truly interdependent and connected we are and that the path forward needs adaptability, flexibility, trust and above all, teamwork.

In conclusion, as I step into the shoes of some stellar peers, I look to each one of you for your advice, your support and your participation to make this a successful and memorable year…one that we will look back on with positivity and pride.

Thank you.

Framroze Mehta