Rotary Club of Bombay


Rotary Club of Bombay / Education  / Lighthouse  / Circus Online For Lighthouse

Circus Online For Lighthouse

On September 27th, Rambo Circus scripted a digital show for Lighthouse children. The 60-minute show included eight acts: jugglers, trapeze artistes, acrobats performing stunts, interludes by a clown and a customised grand finale where artistes paid tributes to COVID-19 warriors.

The children enjoyed the experience of watching the show online in safety of their homes. The happy feedback of awestruck children poured in on the class’s Whatsapp group the next morning. Hema, a student wrote: “So amazing miss, hanging girl stunt was very difficult. I was shocked at that time. Thank you.”

The Child Welfare Committee thanks Rtn. Charu Agrawal for buying tickets for 30 children of Project Lighthouse (in association with NGO Vidya).