Rotary Club of Bombay

Ananda Yaan

Rotary Club of Bombay / Ananda Yaan  / Ananda Yaan Daytrippers

Ananda Yaan Daytrippers

In a refreshing break to the rinse-and-repeat nature of most daily schedules, Ananda Yaan members were taken out for a day trip picnic. A generous donor did Ananda Seva for Ananda Yaan (a senior citizen activity centre of RCB in association with Dignity Foundation).

A day-long picnic was arranged with transport in a luxury bus and all meals included. The outing was to Vajreshwari, PratiShirdi, and Ganesh Puri on January 13th, 2021.

Fifty senior citizens visited all three places with Centre Coordinator Mr. Dilip Chauhan. Members enjoyed the fresh air, the new sights, and free time with their friends.

This outing was much needed, to activate our members and infuse them with enthusiasm. All of them expressed their gratitude towards the Dignity Foundation and Rotary Club of Bombay and, of course, the anonymous donor who made this possible.