Rotary Club of Bombay


Rotary Club of Bombay / Ananda Yaan  / AY Walks The Talk With RCISME

AY Walks The Talk With RCISME

RCISME (Rotaract Club of Indian School of Management and Entrepreneurship) conducted Project Dil Se Dil Tak with Ananda Yaan (an initiative of RCB in association with Dignity foundation).

An introduction broke the ice between the two groups. This was followed by a unique game which involved them doing a ramp walk with the members.

Members were divided into groups of four, each led by a Rotaractor. The members showed their Rotaract leader how to wear a saree without touching them and all the groups rehearsed a dance hook step. The Rotaractors taught the members a sentence in English while the members taught them one in Marathi. This activity helped members learn new things and helped them overcome fear of performing something impromptu.

Towards the end of the session, the amazing Rotaractors dedicated a Bollywood dance to all the AY members and, to make it even better, later joined them too! The event wound up with snacks. We would like to thank RCISME for designing such unique activities which not only ensure that the Ananda Yaan members have fun but also that they learn something new.