Rotary Club of Bombay


Rotary Club of Bombay / Fellowship  / In Camera Fellowship With Rtn Akshay Batra

In Camera Fellowship With Rtn Akshay Batra

The In Camera Committee organized yet another remarkable fellowship, and this time around on a topic that may have given sleepless nights to most, especially men! Hosted by Farah and Dr. Akshay Batra, the fellowship was an interactive talk by Dr. Akshay on ‘My Love For Hair, And How You Can Keep Yours’.

Attended by 30 Rotarians, the evening began with Cocktails and friendly banter. As the recipient of the prestigious Robert Olding Award by The Trichological Society, London, as well as the author of ‘Hair – Every Thing You Ever Wanted to Know’, Dr. Akshay spoke of the unknown aspects of hair, of various practices, of hair being a mirror to an impending health problem, and finally, the innovations in hair treatment.

Then using a Video Microscope, he demonstrated that while patterns of hair loss looked similar in most cases, it is essential to differentiate genetic hair loss from autoimmune hair loss or stress related hair loss. Then based on the diagnosis, the treatment option ranges from treating the underlying cause while supplementing with non-surgical instant solutions to permanent surgical solution such as hair transplant.

With delicious, aromatic food being served, the evening came to an end. Every one thanked Dr. Akshay for an informative, eye-opening session, and Farah for her hospitality.