Rotary Club of Bombay

Cancer Aid

Rotary Club of Bombay / Cancer Aid  / Committee Reports: Cancer Aid 2020-2021

Committee Reports: Cancer Aid 2020-2021

Director-in-charge: Rtn. Dr. Rohini Chowgule

Chair: Rtn. Dr. Ian Pinto

Co-Chair: Rtn. Farokh Balsara

Members: Rtn. Dr. Ashish Contractor, Rtn. Hoshang Nazir, Rtn. Mudit Jain, Rtn. Zeenia Master, Rtn. Murad Currawala, Rtn. Ptn. Dr. Soonu Balsara

With the Covid pandemic raging, screening and early diagnosis of patients with Cancer have been severely affected across the country. Patients have been postponing their visits to the doctor and hence presenting with advanced cancer. The Cancer Aid Committee focused on getting the cancer awareness message on early screening.

We conducted a Cancer Awareness Zoom meeting on National Cancer Awareness Day in collaboration with Rotaract Club of Sydenham. At that meeting, we also had another NGO discuss how people can donate their hair for patients undergoing chemotherapy so wigs would be affordable.

During this pandemic, the unsung heroes have been our BEST bus/electricity staff and our ASHA workers. We conducted four screening camps, screening more than 300 people involving the above heroes and other at-risk women. Sadly, due to the second COVID wave, we had to postpone further planned screening camps.

Costs for cancer treatment have been rising and to alleviate that burden the Cancer Aid Committee has a strong yearly commitment to help patients in treatment. This year the Committee assisted 30 patients in their battle against cancer providing funds close to Rs 11 lakh. A cancer awareness video by Rtn. Dr. Ian Pinto in collaboration with Indian Cancer Society has been created and posted by the Committee on our Club’s Facebook page. The Cancer Aid Committee aims to create more videos to spread cancer awareness utilising our social media channels. Hopefully, once COVID simmers down, we can resume our screening camps.