Rotary Club of Bombay


Rotary Club of Bombay / Environment  / Committee Reports: Environment 2020-2021

Committee Reports: Environment 2020-2021

Director-in-charge: Rtn. Jamshed Banaji

Chair: Rtn. Priyasri Patodia

Co-chair: Rtn. Hursh Meghani

Members: PP Ramesh Narayan, Rtn. Ashok Jatia, Rtn. S V Prasad, Rtn. Christopher Bluemel, Rtn. Anand Parikh, Rtn.
Peter Born, Rtn. Manoj Patodia, Rtn. Varsha Daiya, Rtn. Mudit Jain, Rtn. Ptn. Avaan Vakharia, Rtn. Ptn. Malti Jain

Project I

Donation towards sanitation workers:

A fund-raiser towards contribution for contractual sanitation workers through Smile Foundation. (SMILE is a section 8 Co, promoted by MCGM for business incubation due to the need of the hour and ease of CSR activity, provision for relief fund was initiated with approval of then Hon. Municipal commissioner.

We identified 18000 swachh karmchari in a south Mumbai ward who are not on payroll of BMC and are not covered for housing or health. These workers perform a grim job of cleaning drainages and collecting bio and medical waste thus engaged in drudgery, dangerous, dirty and dehumanising work.

An Art fund-raiser conducted by Delhi Art Gallery raised a significant sum and donated to them with the aim of acknowledging them for their contribution towards fighting the pandemic and highlighting their plight. We hope for more campaigns to be undertaken for them in the coming future.

Project II

Chirag Foundation:

The life-transforming rural integrated development project was initiated with an aim to provide solar electricity, e-learning, irrigation, sanitation and better health facilities, pure drinking water and lighting to villages and provide livelihood in rural areas across India.

Thanks to IPP Preeti Mehta, President Framroze Mehta of RCB, PP Ramesh Narayan, the Donors and the consistent efforts of Chirag Foundation headed by Ms. Pratibha Pai, this project is being successfully implemented over the past two years, making several villages in Palghar and Nasik district in Maharashtra Atmanirbhar.

This year at Tokpada, 45 homes & 225 people benefited.

Within two years: six villages, 404 homes and 2350 peoples lives were impacted and transformed to a life of dignity and self-reliance under Project Chirag.